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| Features |
Big Bike Give 2024
| 4921 | 5/22/2024 | Advocacy, Charity, Commuting, Culture, Destination, Education, Mountain Bike, Recreation, Road, Touring, Tourism, Trails, Training/Fitness | Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective, Cedar Valley Trails Partnership, Dream Team, Fundraiser, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa Coalition of Off Road Riders (ICORR), Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), Iowa Scholastic Mountain Bike Club, Jefferson County Trails Council, Linn Area Mountain Bike Association (LAMBA), Raccoon River Valley Trail Association, Safe Routes to School, Sauk Rail Trail Association, Siouxland Cyclists, Street Collective | Big Woods Lake Trail, Cedar Prairie Trail, Cedar Valley Lakes Trail, Cedar Valley Nature Trail, Cone Park MTB Trails, Fairfield Loop Trail, Floyd River Trail, George Wyth State Park, Greenhill Trail, Jefferson County Trail System, Lewis and Clark Trail, Lone Tree Road Trail, Old Creamery Nature Trail, Perry Creek Trail, Pierce Street Trail, PlyWood Trail, Prairie Lakes Trail, Raccoon River Valley Trail, Riverfront Trail, Sauk Rail Trail, Sergeant Road Trail, South Main Street Trail, South Riverside Trail, Stone Park, Three Rivers Trail, Tondro Pray Bike Park, Ulrich Park Mountain Bike Trail, W. 12th Street Trail - Cedar Falls, W. 1st Street Trail - Cedar Falls, W. 27th Street Trail - Cedar Falls, Wabash Trace Nature Trail | Adel, Ankeny, Blanchard, Bradgate, Breda, Carnarvon, Carroll, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Clarion, Clive, Coin, Cooper, Coralville, Council Bluffs, Dakota City, Dallas Center, Dawson, Des Moines, Eagle Grove, Evansdale, Fairfield, Gilbertville, Herndon, Hinton, Hudson, Humboldt, Imogene, Iowa City, Jamaica, Janesville, Jefferson, La Porte City, Lake View, Le Mars, Linden, Malvern, Maple River, Merrill, Minburn, Mineola, Ortonville, Panora, Perry, Redfield, Rolfe, Rutland, Silver City, Sioux City, Thor, Vinton, Waterloo, Waukee, Yale |   |
| News |
Fairfield’s Jeff Fitz-Randolph honored for service to Jefferson County Trails Council
| 1268 | 10/19/2023 | Advocacy, Trails | Jefferson County Trails Council, Volunteer | Fairfield Loop Trail, Jefferson County Trail System | Fairfield |   |
| Features |
Big Bike Give
| 4614 | 5/20/2022 | Advocacy, Charity, Commuting, Culture, Destination, Education, Mountain Bike, Recreation, Road, Touring, Tourism, Trails, Training/Fitness | Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective, Cedar Valley Trails Partnership, Dream Team, Fundraiser, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa Coalition of Off Road Riders (ICORR), Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), Iowa Scholastic Mountain Bike Club, Jefferson County Trails Council, Linn Area Mountain Bike Association (LAMBA), Raccoon River Valley Trail Association, Safe Routes to School, Sauk Rail Trail Association, Siouxland Cyclists, Street Collective | Big Woods Lake Trail, Cedar Prairie Trail, Cedar Valley Lakes Trail, Cedar Valley Nature Trail, Cone Park MTB Trails, Fairfield Loop Trail, Floyd River Trail, George Wyth State Park, Greenhill Trail, Jefferson County Trail System, Lewis and Clark Trail, Lone Tree Road Trail, Old Creamery Nature Trail, Perry Creek Trail, Pierce Street Trail, PlyWood Trail, Prairie Lakes Trail, Raccoon River Valley Trail, Riverfront Trail, Sauk Rail Trail, Sergeant Road Trail, South Main Street Trail, South Riverside Trail, Stone Park, Three Rivers Trail, Tondro Pray Bike Park, Ulrich Park Mountain Bike Trail, W. 12th Street Trail - Cedar Falls, W. 1st Street Trail - Cedar Falls, W. 27th Street Trail - Cedar Falls, Wabash Trace Nature Trail | Adel, Ankeny, Blanchard, Bradgate, Breda, Carnarvon, Carroll, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Clarion, Clive, Coin, Cooper, Coralville, Council Bluffs, Dakota City, Dallas Center, Dawson, Des Moines, Eagle Grove, Evansdale, Fairfield, Gilbertville, Herndon, Hinton, Hudson, Humboldt, Imogene, Iowa City, Jamaica, Janesville, Jefferson, La Porte City, Lake View, Le Mars, Linden, Malvern, Maple River, Merrill, Minburn, Mineola, Ortonville, Panora, Perry, Redfield, Rolfe, Rutland, Silver City, Sioux City, Thor, Vinton, Waterloo, Waukee, Yale |   |
| Events |
Iowa Trails Summit
| 12169 | 8/27/2019 | Advocacy, Charity, Commuting, Culture, Destination, Education, Other, Recreation, Team/Club, Touring, Tourism, Trails | Advocacy, America Bikes, Ames Bicycle Coalition, Association, Bagger, Bicycle Club, Bicycle Culture, Bicycle Friendly, Bicycle Laws, Bicycle Master Plan, Bicycle Tourism, Bicycles, Bike Lanes and Routes, Bike Packing, Bike People, Bike to Work, Bike to Work Week, BIKEIOWA, bikepacking, Boone County Trails Advisory Committee (BCTAC), Camping, Cedar Trails Partnership, Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective, Cedar Valley Cyclists, Cedar Valley Trails Partnership, Central Iowa Cycling Club (CICC), Central Iowa Cyclists, Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Alli, Central Iowa Trails, Central Iowa Trails Association (CITA), City of Des Moines Parks and Recreation, Classes and Clinics, Dallas County Conservation, Des Moines Bicycle Collective (DMBC), Des Moines Bicycle Summit, Dickinson County Trails, Economic Development, Freeman Kevenides Law Firm LLC, Funding, Fundraiser, Grass Roots Advocacy, Great American Rail Trail, Green County Conservation, Guthrie County Conservation, Hawkeye Bicycle Association, Infrastructure, Iowa, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa Bicycle Summit, Iowa By Trail, Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT), Iowa Great Lakes, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), Jefferson County Trails Council, Johnson County Trail Foundation (JCTF), League of American Bicyclist (LAB), Linn Area Mountain Bike Association (LAMBA), Local Business, Maps, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), National Bicycle Greenway (NBG), National Recreation Trails (NRT), Non-profit, Perry Chamber of Commerce/BRR Ride, Polk County Conservation, Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT), Raccoon River Valley Trail Association, RAGBRAI, Rails to Trails, rural Iowa, Safe Routes to School, Sioux Center Trails Council, Sponsor, Staycation, Story County Conservation, Street Collective, Touring, Trail Amenities, Trail Art, Trail Clean Up, Trail Etiquette, Trail Expansion, Trail Festivities, Trail Food, Trail Funding, Trail Head, Trail Maint | | Pella |   |
| Events |
3rd Annual Jefferson County Trails Council Scavenger Hunt
| 12024 | 5/13/2017 | Recreation, Touring, Trails | AJs Bicycle Shop, Bicycle Tourism, Family Ride, Jefferson County Park, Jefferson County Trails Council, rural Iowa, Scavenger Hunt, Staycation | Fairfield Loop Trail | Fairfield |   |
| Events |
Jefferson County Trails Council Scavenger Hunt
| 17882 | 5/2/2015 | Destination, Party, Recreation, Tourism, Trails | AJs Bicycle Shop, Bicycle Tourism, Festivals, Jefferson County Park, Jefferson County Trails Council, Live Music, Music | Fairfield Loop Trail | Fairfield |   |
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