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 News Ames considers restricting e-bikes, e-scooters from downtown and Campustown sidewalks 933/18/2025Commuting, Culture, Other, Road, Trails, Training/FitnessBicycle Laws, Commuting, Electric Bicycles (E-Bike), Iowa State University Ames...X
 News Will Iowa pass a hands-free driving bill? Lawmakers say ‘this could be the year’ 3071/24/2025RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Distracted Drivers, Hands-Free, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), State-wide  ...X
 News Hands-Free Cell Phone Bill Expected to be Proposed This Iowa Legislative Session 3561/15/2025Education, RoadBicycle Laws, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC)  ...X
 News Gov. Reynolds lays out priorities in 2025 Condition of the State address 4741/15/2025EducationBicycle Laws, Distracted Drivers, Education, Hands-Free, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), RAGBRAI, State-wide Greenfield...X
 News ‘End Distracted Driving Iowa Coalition’ forms 37812/24/2024Advocacy, RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), State-wide  ...X
 News Iowa Bicycle Coalition Renews Calls for Hands-Free Law 7579/19/2024Advocacy, Commuting, Culture, Education, RoadBicycle Laws, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), State-wide  ...X
 News Marion police officer on cycling safety 9179/19/2024Advocacy, Commuting, Culture, Recreation, RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Police Marion...X
 News Iowa Bicycle Coalition looks to the future as it celebrates 20 years 14585/18/2024Advocacy, Charity, Commuting, Culture, Recreation, Team/Club, Tourism, Training/FitnessBicycle Laws, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Luke Hoffman, Safe Passing Law Coralville, Des Moines...X
 News Iowa PBS - Bicycle and Traffic Safety Issues 10065/18/2024Advocacy, Education, RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), podcast  ...X
 News Crosswalk Protection Bill signed into Law 25215/3/2024Advocacy, Education, RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, crosswalk, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Lawsuit, Legislation, State-wide, University of Iowa  ...X
 News Bill expanding crosswalk protections on its way to governor’s desk 14995/1/2024RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, State-wide  ...X
 News Iowa Legislature extends crosswalk protections to cyclists, wheelchairs, others on wheels 16815/1/2024RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, State-wide  ...X
 News Crosswalk Protection Bill passes Iowa Senate 20644/12/2024RoadBicycle Laws, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, State-wide  ...X
 News Fort Madison Crash Update 28134/1/2024RoadBicycle Laws, Freeman Kevenides Law Firm LLC, Injury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Lawyer, Ride of Silence Fort Madison...X
 News ACTION ALERT: Take Action now on HF2568 to help pass Crosswalk Protections bill 22584/1/2024Advocacy, Education, RoadBicycle Laws, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, State-wide, The time is NOW to reach out to your State Senator  ...X
 News Distracted driving is a scourge. Iowa needs a hands-free law now. 11081/22/2024Advocacy, Education, RoadBicycle Laws, Distracted Drivers  ...X
 News Crosswalk law loophole leaves many vulnerable 170211/29/2023RoadBicycle Laws, Bike Lanes and Routes, Pedestrian  ...X
 News New ‘Idaho Stop’ bike law adopted in Minnesota 10306/23/2023Culture, RoadBicycle Laws, Minnesota  ...X
 News Increased Penalty HF422 amendment update 16815/8/2023Advocacy, Education, RoadBicycle Laws, Bike World, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, State-wide  ...X
 News Why a ban on hands-on phone use while driving may finally have a chance of passing in Iowa 19644/26/2023Advocacy, Commuting, RoadBicycle Laws, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Lawsuit, State-wide  ...X
 Features Contact your legislators and help pass these bicycling bills 41753/7/2023Advocacy, Commuting, RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), State-wide  ...X
 News Tougher consequences for drivers who endanger bicyclists on Iowa roadways 21302/23/2023RoadBicycle Laws, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), State-wide  ...X
 News Distracted driving bill passes the Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee 25742/23/2023AdvocacyAdvocacy, Bicycle Laws, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Legislation, State-wide  ...X
 News Editorial: Celebrate cycling by committing to safety 22062/7/2023Advocacy, Culture, Recreation, RoadBicycle Laws, Bicycle Safety, Distracted Drivers, RAGBRAI  ...X
 News ‘It was just a few seconds,’ mother says of daughter who died from distracted driver 22101/30/2023RoadBicycle Laws, Distracted Drivers, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Killed Charles City, Des Moines...X
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