2 or 5 mile range FRS radio (walky talky)
A extra fork for Homemade Pie
a sweatshirt or light jacket
be sure to spray water proof your tent each year!!
Chamois Butt'R - trust me - it will save your ass (literally)
Clothes Pins (to hang up wet clothes for drying)
Comfortable shoes or sandals for the evenings
extra batteries for lights
Flashlight w/new batteries
Gloves not biking cold wet mornings
Gummy Bears & Octopi - Rocket Fuel
hand crank up radio -flashlight
heavy tent stakes for winds
kleenex in a ziplock for corn field stops
L.E.D. flashlight (batteries last 100hrs if left on)
Laundry detg (small Cont.)
long distance calling card
Name Cards with email address, phone #s/ City,State
old 35mm film container or two
pedialite..great for hangovers
presta/schrader valve adapter
Rain jacket, pants, booties & helmet cover
route map from RAGBRAI web site
Shower caps for bike seat, under helmet if it rains
Shower shoes or flip flops
Soft-sided 12 pack cooler
spare clips for clipless pedals
travel john personal urinal
Tylenol PM - Great for hangovers (take before bed!)
under food and drink----Powder sports drink
use a blow up kind of pillow, it won''t matter if it gets damp
Zantac 75 for sour stomach