URGENT: Hands-Free Driving Vote is THURSDAY, MAR 20th – Take Action NOW! Iowa is hours away from a critical vote on Hands-Free Driving, and we need your help right now to get it across the finish line! The bill has already passed the Senate (47-1) with overwhelming support, and the Iowa House will debate and vote TOMORROW, March 20th (late afternoon). This is our last chance to make a difference before the vote. Time is running out! Contact your House Representative TONIGHT and urge them to vote YES on Hands-Free Driving. Even if you’ve already reached out, one more email or call could make all the difference in making Iowa’s roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers alike. Find your Representative and take action NOW! Let them know that this bill will help law enforcement enforce the texting ban while driving, align with the Governor’s support, and—most importantly—save lives. Every message matters. Every voice counts. Let’s finally make this happen! ~~~
Casey’s made a big impact on the Dream Team of Iowa with a $10,000 donation while the team was showcased on The Kelly Clarkson Show. This recognition highlights the incredible work Dream Team does to mentor and inspire young cyclists, helping them build confidence and achieve their goals through biking. With RAGBRAI just months away, this support will go a long way in fueling their journey! ~~~
Spring is Here—Time to Ride! The seasons are shifting, and that means one thing—it’s time to dust off the bike and hit the trails! Spring in Iowa brings longer days, warming temps, and a full slate of cycling events. Whether you're commuting to work, gearing up for gravel, prepping for RAGBRAI, or just cruising your favorite local trail, now’s the time to make plans and set goals and the BIKEIOWA Event Calendar is the perfect place to plan!