
  • Posted May 20, 2022

Welcome to the inaugural Bike Bike Give supporting bike and trail nonprofits all over Iowa.

Support bicycling in Iowa like never before

For the first time ever, Iowa’s bicycling and trail non-profit organizations are teaming up in a powerful one-day fundraising event. The Big Bike Give is a giving day creating a unified platform for the Iowa bike community to discover and connect with a vetted group of organizations that are elevating bicycling to the next level here in Iowa.

Discover all the organizations that are making a difference for cyclists and learn about each of their missions and needs. You can help great work all over Iowa get completed. Together, we can create the bicycling environment we all deserve.

Find an Organization to Support

TWENTY ONE - There are twenty one Iowa non-profits that are part of the BIG BIKE GIVE.


From this page you can view information about each non-profit and donate directly to the non-profit of your choice.


You can donate early, but the BIKE BIKE GIVE'S official day is May 24th 2022

Click to see all the Iowa Non-Profits

Click DONATE next to the non-profit you want. It will be added to your cart.

You CAN donate to more than on non-profit at a time. Just add multiple to your cart.

Donation Matches and Challenges

You give $10, and your non-profit gets $20 !

Matching funds provided by Fred and Charlotte Hubble and the Reichardt family.

These funds are to help expand the Iowa Bicycle Coalition's bicycle advocacy efforts and efficacy.

Up to $35,000 in funding is available.

Find out more about matches.

Become an Ambassador

Sign up to become an Ambassador.Ambassadors encourage others to donate and/or become involved will be key to ensuring Big Bike Give is a success.

An ambassador is what we call a “fundraising volunteer.” Simply put, they carry the message of the organization to others and make an appeal to others to support their organization’s mission.

Use the resources below to help demonstrate your Iowa Bicycle Coalition pride and spread the word about Big Bike Give.

Being an Ambassador is as easy as...

  1. Become a Fundraiser
    Show your support by raising funds on the behalf of Big Bike Give

  2. Tell Your Story
    Use your Fundraiser Dashboard to customize your personal page with images, text, and video

  3. Spread the Word
    Share your personal page with your network to promote Big Bike Give


Get set up as an Ambassador

Every #bigbikegive post and email you share leading up to and on Big Bike Give will contribute to the success of the day.



Fundraiser Success Guide

Big Bike Give is organized by the Iowa Bicycle Coalition. The website and donation platform is powered by GiveGab. Each participating organization’s fundraising efforts are managed by themselves.



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