
  • Mon April 01 2024
  • Posted Apr 1
This is TIME-SENSITIVE as this bill could get added to the debate calendar any day this week, so PLEASE contact your State Senators ASAP!

Don't know much about the Crosswalks issue?
See the attached policy brief from the U of I Research Lab. Basically, a cyclist, roller-blader, etc. does not have all the protections of a pedestrian when in a cross-walk. This bill will expense the protections beyond people just on foot.


The time is NOW to reach out to your State Senator and tell them to pass HF2568 - our Crosswalk Protections Bill championed by Sen. Lofgren in the Senate side of the legislature. This bill is being moved forward to the debate calendarany day this week and it's urgent you reach out to your State Senator now to remind them why they should support this bill when it goes up for discussion in caucus and then, if all goes well, for a final floor vote before being sent to the Gov. desk for signature.

Here's the quick checklist of actions to take immediately, this is very much appreciated! It's officially time to activate any bike network you have to ensure legislators are hearing more positivethan negative on this bill.

If you have any questions or receiveany pushback let us know right away and remember to review the attached brief from our friends at University of Iowa for reference.

You can forward any responses you get to Nick (CC'd) and I so we can track the vote tally.
  1. Look up your State Senator here
  2. Call or send a personal email to your State Senator (already passed the house!)
  3. Post this graphic on your social media and tag a friend or bike group and ask them to do the same
  4. Pass along any correspondence you hear back from your State Senator so we can track votes and monitor support or opposition as that comes in
  5. Forward this email to anyone in your network you think should know about this!






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