
  • Wed January 15 2025
  • Posted Jan 15
Tonight's 50 minute speech was a chance for the governor to share the top issues she wants the legislature to tackle over the next few months. She first reflected on the past year in Iowa, including some of the accomplishments and difficulties the state faced.


Hands-Free Law (per KCCI)

Reynolds also urged lawmakers to pass legislation related to hands-free driving. It's a proposal that's been brought up several times in the statehouse over the last few years, but a bill has never made it across the finish line.

House Minority Leader Jennifer Konfrst (D) said they want to see action.

"A hands-free driving ban has not been able to get out of the Iowa House for a while. I don't understand why," Konfrst said. "Democrats stand ready to support this. It's safer for drivers, safer for workers, and safer for people who are on the roads. "


We saw it in Greenfield after an EF4 tornado damaged numerous homes and claimed four precious lives. Just two months later, enough debris had been cleared that the city was able to host almost 20,000 RAGBRAI cyclists who donated more than $50,000 to help with recovery.
(Approx 6 mins into speech)


Hands-Free Law Mention

Cell phones are a distraction in the classroom; they’re deadly on the highway. With us tonight is a family who understands that nightmare all too well. Two years ago,

Roland Taylor was killed by a distracted driver. Of the nine minutes the driver was in his car that evening, he spent seven on his phone.

I met Roland’s wife, Gwen, and daughters Angie and Lisa, last summer. They shared with me that they don’t want another family to go through what they’ve been through, so they are strong advocates for hands-free driving.

For the sake of all our loved ones on the road, let’s finally pass legislation that requires drivers to keep their eyes on the road and away from their phones.


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