MILITARY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL RIDE AND EAT FOR FREE! [If you want a t-shirt, it's FREE, but you MUST register by Tuesday, September 5, 2023.]
PRE-REGISTRATION deadline (if you want to save $10 and get a shirt) is Tuesday, September 5, and the cost is $30 PLUS one non-perishable food item. This will guarantee an EMBRACE t-shirt for you.
Register AFTER Tuesday, September 5, and the cost is $40 plus one non-perishable food item. But after the deadline, there's no cool EMBRACE t-shirt... Bummer.
Family deal: after the first 2 paid registrations, each additional family member is $15. Children five and under are free.
Payment options:
CASH or CHECK (PAYABLE to TAMMI METHER, 1077 Macy Ln, Moorhead IA 51558. The check must be made to TAMMI METHER. The bank won't take it if it's made out to Embrace the Hills. Plus TAMMI METHER is the one who pays all the bills.)
PAYPAL (please pay "as a friend" so we don't have to pay a
VENMO (Tammi-Mether)
Register online: see LINK below. (Help us out ... and PRE-REGISTER.)