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 News Lance Armstrong To Pay U.S. Government $5 Million To Settle Fraud Claims 64104/23/2018CultureLance Armstrong  ...X
 News Bryce Miller: Lance Armstrong to join ‘Idaho’ bike ride 194397/9/2013Party, TourismBike People, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 News Lance Armstrong to ride RAGBRAI 115337/3/2013OtherLance Armstrong Council Bluffs...X
 News RAGBRAI: Lance Armstrong always welcome on ride 127391/24/2013Charity, Other, Party, Recreation, Team/Club, TourismLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) Newton...X
 News Jason McCartney signs with Team Radio Shack and Lance 1349010/29/2009Race, Road (Competitive)Jason McCartney, Lance Armstrong, Team Radio Shack, Tour de France Coralville...X
 News Tour nearly half over, and Armstrong still 3rd 115437/14/2009Race, Road (Competitive)Lance Armstrong, Tour de France Early...X
 News Frenchman wins Stage 5, Lance remains in 2nd 180647/8/2009RaceLance Armstrong, Tour de France  ...X
 News Armstrong storms into second at Tour de France after Stage 4 136967/7/2009RaceLance Armstrong, Pro cycling, Tour de France  ...X
 News Contador, not Armstrong, will lead Tour team 83976/25/2009RaceLance Armstrong  ...X
 News Armstrong Announces Birth of Son on Twitter 136796/5/2009 Lance Armstrong, Social Networking  ...X
 News Lance,Levi and Jason McCartney before Giro stage 20 107415/31/2009RaceJason McCartney, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 News Armstrong falls during Giro, gets back on bike 84975/29/2009RaceLance Armstrong  ...X
 News Hy-Vee is playing the LiveStrong message 145995/27/2009RecreationFundraiser, Lance Armstrong, Livestrong  ...X
 News A bad hair day for Lance Armstrong 105863/18/2009OtherAnti-Doping, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 News Lance challenges UK reporter over "cancer" 85982/24/2009OtherLance Armstrong  ...X
 News Lance Armstrong, girlfriend expecting baby in June 805512/28/2008OtherLance Armstrong, Livestrong  ...X
 News Lance is stepping it up 1162111/12/2008Charity, OtherLance Armstrong, Texas Galva...X
 News Armstrong to come out of retirement and ride for Astana 104099/8/2008Culture, RaceCalifornia, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 News Report that Armstrong to ride for Astana team refuted 99189/8/2008RaceAnti-Doping, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 News Wiens races past Lance in Leadville 108228/13/2008Mountain Bike, RaceLance Armstrong, Leadville Trail 100 Ames...X
 News Armstrong to race in Leadville 100 129748/7/2008Mountain Bike, RaceBIKEIOWA, Lance Armstrong, Leadville Trail 100 Floyd...X
 News Lance Armstrong biking toward Ames 78767/27/2008CultureLance Armstrong, RAGBRAI Ames...X
 News Lance Armstrong's new bike shop opens its doors. 120535/13/2008OtherLance Armstrong Le Grand...X
 News Lance Armstrong unveils his new commuting bike shop 97732/15/2008CultureBike Lanes and Routes, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 News Kum & Go Presents Lance Armstrong with Donations from Iowans 82559/6/2007Advocacy, CharityLance Armstrong, Livestrong, RAGBRAI Ames...X
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