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 News Zirbel: Waiting is the Hardest Part 99491/5/2010Race, Road (Competitive)Anti-Doping Lake City...X
 News Clear Lake cyclist Zirbel fails drug test 113851/4/2010RaceAnti-Doping, Pro cyclingClear LakeClear Lake...X
 News A bad hair day for Lance Armstrong 97623/18/2009OtherAnti-Doping, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 News Report that Armstrong to ride for Astana team refuted 91809/8/2008RaceAnti-Doping, Lance Armstrong  ...X
 Features Do You Like Movies About Gladiators? 127561/14/2007CultureAnti-Doping Des Moines...X
 News Landis Ecouraged by Error Report 1054611/16/2006Race, Road (Competitive)Anti-Doping, Pro Cycling Floyd...X
 News Elite Riders Come to Defense of Their Sport 99969/1/2006CultureAnti-Doping, Pro Cycling Adel...X
 News Floyd Landis petition aims to "open eyes" 99358/18/2006Culture, RaceAnti-Doping, Pro Cycling Floyd...X
 News Landis Speaks About Drug Test 94587/29/2006OtherAnti-Doping, Pro Cycling  ...X
 Blog The Dope on Iowa Racing   Culture, Cyclocross, Race, Road, Road (Competitive), Tri/Multi-SportAnti-Doping  ...X
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