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 News Passions: A man on the run 120632/8/2013Charity, OtherAdvocacy, Cancer, Charlie Wittmack, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Run, Steve Cannon, Team Bad Boy  ...X
 News RAGBRAI: Lance Armstrong always welcome on ride 115791/24/2013Charity, Other, Party, Recreation, Team/Club, TourismLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) Newton...X
 Features 4th Annual Unite Against Cancer Ride 107139/14/2010Advocacy, CultureBIKEIOWA, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong Clive...X
 News Armstrong to Hold Cancer Forums in Iowa 77638/13/2007AdvocacyLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong Cedar Rapids...X
 News Iowans Meet Lance Armstrong At Cancer Rally 82515/20/2007Charity, CultureLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong Cedar Rapids...X
 News Iowa Cancer Survivors Push For Cancer Screening Bill 70335/16/2007OtherBicycle Laws, Lance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong Des Moines...X
 News LIVESTRONG DAY is less than one month away 116244/18/2007Charity, Team/ClubLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong Des Moines...X
 News Give back to generous Iowans, Armstrong 76694/7/2007Advocacy, Charity, Team/ClubLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong, RAGBRAI Des Moines...X
 News 100 riders for Team LIVESTRONG this July 108793/13/2007Charity, Team/ClubLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong, RAGBRAI Hawkeye...X
 News Lance Armstrong - back in July! 126371/15/2007Advocacy, Charity, TouringLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong, RAGBRAI, Team Livestrong, Touring  ...X
 News LANCE ARMSTRONG AUTOGRAPHED BIKE JERSEY 884410/28/2006Charity, Team/ClubLance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong, RAGBRAI Des Moines...X
 News Lance Armstrong Foundation gives The Iowa Department of Public Health Grant to Support Cancer 161829/21/2006AdvocacyIowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Lance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong  ...X
 News Tour de France this Tuesday (7/13) at the Loft 127207/11/2004Charity, Race, Road (Competitive)BIKEIOWA, Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF), Livestrong Windsor Heights...X
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