
Spring is a great time of year to get outside and enjoy trails–biking, walking, or running. The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy is hosting Celebrate Trails Day, an annual celebration held on the fourth Saturday of April, this Saturday, April 27, that encourages people to enjoy the nation’s trails.

Cass County is home to multiple walking and biking trails. Some of the most popular trails in Cass County include: the four-mile paved trail circling Lake Anita State Park, paved and grass trails at Cold Spring Park near Lewis, and the paved and gravel trail system north of Atlantic connecting the Schildberg Recreation Area and the Little League ball diamonds and AMU wellfields. A map of Cass County trails, including information on trail type, ADA accessibility, and restrooms, can be found at Printed copies of the Cass County Trails Map can be picked up at the Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce (102 Chestnut St., Atlantic, IA 50022).





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