
  • Posted Nov 9, 2022

Please welcome The Torres Team with RE/MAX Concepts as BIKEIOWA's newest sponsor.

We love it when service providers become a sponsor as we know cyclists like to use cyclists for their business whether it be banking, insurance or selling/buying a home.


The Torres Team with RE/MAX Concepts is a full time, full service real estate group who is dedicated to ensure your real estate needs are always met and work together as a team to ensure you receive world class customer service. We specialize in residential and commercial real estate in Central Iowa and are ranked in the top 5 in the state.

Not only do bike trails connect towns, but they connect people. We are fortunate here in central Iowa to have an extensive bike trail system and biking community. We have the new Ankeny bridge connecting to Bondurant, but also the planned expansion of the Racoon River Valley Trail connecting to the High Trestle Trail, near Perry.

When our Torres Team agent, Patrice Noble, is not helping home buyers and sellers, you will find her out on the High Trestle Trail and riding with her Ragbrai Team, Team Spin. Patrice enjoys road biking and also recently started riding tandem with her husband, Lance.

The Torres Team has sponsored local rides like the PigTails ride and the new Wrestle on the Trestle ride.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

Reach out to us for additional savings available to fellow cycling enthusiasts!

RE/MAX Concepts - Torres Team
905 W. Bridge Rd, Suite 2
Polk City, IA 50226 MAP

web: https:\\

Sponsor Page

BIKEIOWA NOTE - When the Copper Creek Mountain Bike Park property was up for re-zoning from a flood zone to a park, the residents around this property were in strong opposition.

We reached out to the Torres Team and asked for any statistics around property values that are located close to a trail. Here is a portion of their response. We used this data when we spoke at the Des Moines City Council Meeting on Oct 22nd 2022.

The National Association of Realtors published an article that states "The good news is that recent studies have confirmed living near trails and greenways will likely raise your property value an average of 3-5% and sometimes even as high as 15%. There is also no correlation that trails increase crime in their surrounding areas."

Another study that looked at home values in Indianapolis compared two identical houses that were different distances away from the trail. The home that was within one-half mile of the trail would sell at a price that was an average of 11% higher than the one farther from the trail. Further studies show a worse-case scenario where there is no change to property values. However, data does not support that there is a negative impact on the property value.

Realtors believe that urban trails and parks help to attract buyers who are looking for this type of amenity and that homes located near these amenities will sell faster and for more money than comparable homes.






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