
  • Posted Sep 27, 2020

Join Scott from to hear about what's on his radar in the Iowa cycling scene this weekend. #FridayFives is a new series for Summer 2020 and we plan to share fun destinations, events and happenings each week.

For Week #19 it is:

#1) The Weather
The (nice) weather is what's on Scott's radar! As the cooler Fall temps move in, Scott is spending all the time he can riding and camping.

Check out the 5 events on Sat on the BIKEIOWA event calendar
- 2020 Fall Family Fun Ride - trail ride in Des Moines
- Tour de Maples in Osage
- University of Okoboji Oktoberfest - a Party Ride in Arnold's Park, IA

#2) October Events
We wanted to call out some October Events. There is still plenty to do!
Oct 3 -
- Buffalo 105 in Newton
- Snaggy Ridge 105 in Tipton
- CITA Dirty Duathlon *CANCELED*
Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 17
Oct 24
- Spotted Horse Gravel Ultra - 2020 in St. Charles

Thanks to all the event coordinators period. We know it has been a tough decision to still hold your event let alone attend one in this strange year. If you cancelled, we know that decision was tough too and if you chose to still have your event, we know that is stressful and we support you too.

#3) State and County Parks
Scott loves staycations. State Parks are a perfect place to get away from it all and not travel too much. You’ll be amazed at the varying terrain and topography that Iowa has to offer.

Last week we took a 4 day weekend in NE Iowa and camped, rode, hiked and found some gnarly gravel roads and scenic byways to drive on including the Great River Road along the Mississippi including a Cassville Car Ferry ride across the river.

And county parks at

#4) RIP - Paul Black
On Sept 23rd, a pillar in the Central Iowa cycling community - Paul Black was in his mid-70's and had done about every type of endurance race out there. Scott gives some highlights of Paul's racing pedigree an talks about his LIFE Experiences on a bicycle.

Here are 4 memorable quotes about Paul:
  1. Kyle Robinson said "Heaven’s cycling team just received a ringer."
  2. Sarah Cooper stated “Paul was having epic adventures and ultra racing long before it was cool.“
  3. Patrick Coughlin said "a lion in sheep's clothing."
  4. Harry Fortney said "Paul was one of the good guys. He would wait for you on group rides so he could tear your legs off again. He’d always help his teammates and others be better cyclists and people in general. He was a role model, always looking for his next adventure."
No word on Funeral arrangements yet. We assume it will be a family-only event with covid, but you can read the updates on

RIP Paul Black.

#5) Pogie Lites
As the weather gets cooler, Scott mentions Pogie Lites - a product he created in 2018 after enduring a really rainy and cold 2017 race season. He got tired of cold wet hands and being on the verge of hypothermia so he made a few prototypes which lef to Pogie Lites which are a 4-season super-lite-weight, water-resistant, wind-proof pogie that keeps the wind, rain and muck off your hands.
Pogie Lites allow YOU to control the temperature of your hands.

How to get them?
They are $75 a pair and you can get them at
World of Bikes in Iowa City and Beaverdale Bicycles in Des Moines both have a small supply
Goldfinch Cyclery in Cedar Rapids will have a supply in a week,
As the old saying goes “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear”

Read other's Pogie Lite reviews: Riding Gravel Review and Review

THAT’S IT FOR THIS WEEK ! You can find more information on all of these items by checking out

Starting in October, we’ll go from weekly posts to monthly posts.
We’ve had fun with these weekly Summer posts and plan to post weekly again next Spring.
We’ll let ya know a couple of days in advance when we’ll go LIVE so you can tune. We’ll still add to YouTube and BIKEIOWA as a Review afterwards too so if you miss it, you can still watch it later.

If YOU have something you’ve like us to share on Friday Fives ping us on Facebook or email

RIDE SAFE and Stay Healthy !



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