
  • Posted Jan 11, 2019

Review provided by Guitar Ted of Riding Gravel on January 5th 2019.
Guitar Ted is no stranger to gravel and has been at the forefront of the growth of gravel events in Iowa and the Midwest for years.
Find out more about Pogie Lites.

Cold weather cycling has produced some amazing accessories and components over the last 20 years. One of these accessories is an item not originally intended for cycling. Pogies were originally developed for paddling sports, but they are generally associated with cycling now days. If you care to know more about the origins of this sort of product, Neil Beltchenko wrote a bit about the history of pogies for and you can read that HERE.

Pogies for cycling have become big, stiffer, and somewhat unwieldy in some cases, making them useful only in special situations. Bike Iowa’s Scott Sumpter saw this and sought to make a pogie that would be useful in situations other than Arctic type weather. A pogie that was more wide ranging in use, one that wouldn’t be cumbersome to remove during a ride, or install during a ride. A pogie for four seasons and not just for flat bar equipped bicycles. Scott had a tall order, but now offers, via Bike Iowa, the solution he came up with called Pogie Lites...

Note: was sent the Pogie Lites for test and review at no charge by Bike Iowa. We were not paid, nor bribed for this review, and we always strive to give our honest thoughts and opinions throughout.






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