Nishna Valley Trails and Cass County Conservation hosted “Truckin’ on the Trails” at Schildberg Recreation Area on June 3 in honor of National Trails Day. The event showcased various cycling opportunities and trails in Cass County.
Jon Jordan gave an introduction to gravel riding and led a 10-mile ride called the “Nishna Valley Gravel Sampler” from Schildberg to the south T-Bone Trailhead and back.
Throughout the event, Sarah Selders provided live music, and the Atlantic Kiwanis, Master Grillers, and Louie’s Shaved Ice sold food.
Steve Green of the Atlantic Kiwanis gave a presentation on the kids’ bike helmet giveaway the club has been organizing for 27 years, and shared that the Atlantic Kiwanis have given away over 5,000 helmets to third-grade students.