
  • Thu May 02 2013
  • Posted May 2, 2013
RE: Bike Month in Central Iowa - hosted by the Des Moines Bicycle Collective via

Bike Month registrations provide one of the few benchmarks in Central Iowa to measure the number of local residents who include cycling in their everyday life.
We offer two kinds of registration: Corporate Commuter Challenge for those that want to try biking to and from work. This automatically makes the commuter eligible for the Passport Adventure.

Not a commuter? No problem. Register with us and become eligible to play the passport game by riding around the metro and to our events all month. We have some great prizes for those getting 5, 10, and 15 stamps. Anyone with 15 or more stamps is entered into our grand prize drawing. If your friends haven't yet signed up, please encourage them to do so at

Also, like us on Facebook at Des Moines Bicycle Collective. We will post breaking news about events (i.e. if weather gets in our way, however, our theory is we roll if it is just a light shower.) Weather will get better! See you on the road.

BIKE COMMUTER OF THE YEAR We're shining the spotlight on Paul Prentice, who commuted 12,147 miles (not a typo) in 2012. Dang, some of us don't even drive that many miles in a year. Sometimes Paul takes the long way home from his job at Architectural Arts on the eastside to his home in Beaverdale. More details and commuter tips from Iowa Momentum.

BIKE ADVOCATE OF THE YEAR Larry Jablonski is Mr. Everything Bike and Run in Urbandale. Years ago while an elementary school principal, he started a Bike to School Day. He started an Urbandale trail ride and has spearheaded two successful bike drives. He created the Gears & Beers event and Metro Trail Ride for Bike Month. He's the race director for the Komen Race for the Cure. Today, he serves on Urbandale and county-wide trail committees. Busy guy and we love him. More details.

BIKE COMMUTE CHALLENGE More than 1,050 riders have now registered. Cool stuff; numbers are up with several of last year's teams. And we have new corporate teams joining.
Also a handful of companies have sponsored bike-commute lunch-and-learn sessions this year. More than 25 employees attended commuting sessions at Meredith Corporation and at UnityPoint/Iowa Methodist.

LAST CALL FOR BIKE MONTH T-SHIRTS We plan to wrap up orders for Bike Month T-shirts at the end of business on Monday, May 6. Your T-shirts—printed locally at T Shirt Graphix in Beaverdale—will be mailed to you. Thanks for your support.

LET'S ROLL TOGETHER People for Bikes, a fantastic national bike-centric organization invites you to view its Bike Month video—Standoff: four wheels or two wheels.

Meet your friends at these events

Friday, May 3
Pedal-Powered Ice Cream -Kitchen Collage
Too cold for ice cream! Rescheduled Fri., May 10
Who doesn’t love homemade ice-cream? Come watch area business leaders churn homemade ice cream via bicycle in front of Kitchen Collage in the East Village. Enjoy Velo Vanilla, Chainring Chocolate, and more. Available while supplies last—it’s an ideal day to eat dessert first! Allspice, another East Village shop, has joined as a sponsor this year.

Friday, May 3
Handlebar Happy Hour – Confluence Brewing
4:30 pm to 7 pm
After riding to work, or while you are out riding for errands or fun, join us for Happy Hour. Confluence is one of the four downtown craft breweries. A 100-yard path from the southeast side of Gray's Lake Park leads to Confluence. Chad Ulrick, 2012 Bike Commuter of the Year, will have his Charbuff Grill fired up for the riders.

Saturday, May 4
Bike to Downtown Farmers’ Market - Des Moines
7 am to noon
Kick-off the Downtown Farmers’ Market season by riding your bike! Look for our table to get information about new trail openings and planned events for the month and all summer long.
Check out recommended bike routes to the Downtown Farmers’ Market, created by Walter Githens III.
Free valet bike parking, operated by the Collective all summer long. Note: For the first 6-8 weeks, we will be set up in the ramp at the SE corner of Second and Court avenues.

Saturday, May 4
Coolest Bike in Town – Confluence Brewing
Note location change due to weather!
10 am to 3 pm
Show off YOUR coolest bike. A panel of judges will award prizes and bragging rights. A “Cool” trophy will be on display at Mullet’s all year with the winner’s name! This year's contest has 24 categories—expect to see an incredible variety.

Saturday, May 4
Carlisle Mayor's Ride: Rescheduled for May 18

Sunday, May 5
Bike Sunday School
4 pm
Meet at Gateway Market in Des Moines. This is an informal picnic bike ride (10 miles or less) that celebrates the French Trinity (bread, wine and cheese.) Bring food and drink to share.

Brake now! Volunteer opportunity for cyclists
The City of Des Moines needs your volunteer assistance to count bicyclists and pedestrians using our roads, sidewalks, and trails. Count days: May 7, 8, and 11. More details. Curious about previous counts? Check out the numbers.

Bike and pedestrian counts will help with grant applications for funding new trails, sidewalks, and bike lanes. Yep, participate and we'll stamp your passport, plus a $10 Zombie Burger card.

Tuesday, May 7
4th Annual Wheels & Heels – Windsor Heights Community Center
5:30 pm to 8 pm
This is becoming one of the most popular Bike Month events. Join us for an evening of female-focused fun, fashion and fitness! Location is on the Walnut Creek Trail (south of Walmart). The night’s focus is to encourage women to participate in cycling and other outdoor activities. BBQ by Woody’s Smoke Shack and wine from Jasper Winery are available for purchase; fashion show and exhibits are free.

Friday, May 10
Pedal-Powered Ice Cream -Kitchen Collage
11 am to 2 pm
Who doesn’t love homemade ice-cream? Come watch area business leaders churn homemade ice cream via bicycle in front of Kitchen Collage in the East Village. Enjoy Velo Vanilla, Chainring Chocolate, and more. Available while supplies last—it’s an ideal day to eat dessert first! Allspice, another East Village shop, has joined as a sponsor this year.

Saturday, May 11
Perry Mayor's Ride to Dallas Center and return
9 am
This will be fun! The ride with Perry Mayor Jay Pattee will begin at the Hotel Pattee in downtown Perry. Riders will head up the Raccoon River Valley Trail to Minburn, where they will capture that community's mayor and wrestle up Minburn riders before heading to Dallas Center. After gathering up the Dallas Center mayor, the entire bike posse will return to Perry for lunch at the Hotel Pattee. About 26 miles of riding.

Saturday, May 11
Cyclo de Mayo VII - Shorty's/Court Avenue District
12:34 pm
Part adventure race, part orienteering, and all fun. You'll bike about 20 miles in the Des Moines area; organizers announce the six (five? seven?) check points. There's an AARP division—show your AARP card, photo ID, or a bunch of wrinkles. More details.

Sunday, May 12
Bike to Art
2 pm to 4 pm
Treat mom to an afternoon of biking and art appreciation! This is a leisurely and informative tour of Des Moines' dowtown architecture and art in public spaces. Meet in the parking lot of the Lucas State Office Building at 312 E. 12th Street. Guides from the Iowa State Capitol and the Des Moines Art Center and an architectual interpretation by the Iowa Architectural Foundation will be provided. Suggested donation of $10 per person or $20 per family.

This month-long celebration of two-wheel commuting and recreational biking could NOT be possible without our sponsors. We have three PRESENTING sponsors this year covering the private sector, public sector and nonprofit/public service. Big thank yous to Middendorf Insurance, the City of Des Moines Park and Recreation Department and the newly-created Adopt-A-Stream Program. Be sure to check out how you can make a difference in cleaning up a stream near you!

We appreciate all of the businesses that support Bike Month and year-round biking in Central Iowa.
For a complete list of sponsors, visit the website.




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