Bicycle thrower stops thieves
Tue December 29 2009
Posted Dec 29, 2009
- 8,312
Wenzhou, China
Admit it, who doesn't enjoy watching would-be crooks
failing to pull off a crime? And when they get taken out
by a passing witness it is even better, right?
Well, add some CCTV footage and a hurled bicycle and you
have got our favourite internet video of the day.
When a Chinese man saw a pair of motor-scooter riding
thieves grab the handbag of a woman in the city of
Wenzhou, he reacted in the way we like to think we would
have done.
He calmly got off his bike, picked it up and waited for
the duo to get close enough to him -- he then administered
some justice bike-style by hurling it at the crooks,
knocking them off their scooter.
Unfortunately, a couple of steps into approaching the
felled crooks, our hero loses his double-hard-geezer
status - by turning on his heels and running away.
But the dazed handbag snatchers - who didn't know whether
to chase him or try to get back onto their scooter - were
soon surrounded by other passers-by who had seen the
events unfold and the red handbag was returned. Footage
right after the jump.
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