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 News Government wants Beijingers back on their bikes 74631/27/2010AdvocacyChina, Green  ...X
 News Bicycle thrower stops thieves 783212/29/2009 China  ...X
 Events LIVESTRONG WEAR YELLOW DAY AT JORDAN CREEK TOWN CENTER 960912/14/2009CharityChina Ames, Des Moines, West Des Moines...X
 Features Biking Budwegs learn 'people are people' on world tour 824810/1/2008Culture, TourismChina Decorah...X
 News Olympics: McCartney set to pace U.S. over scenic setting 103018/13/2008Race, Road (Competitive)China, Jason McCartney, Olympics Coralville...X
 News McCartney, Americans miss chance at Olympic race 98678/13/2008Race, Road (Competitive)China, Jason McCartney, Olympics Coralville...X
 News American cyclists apologise for 'smog masks' 95728/7/2008 China, Green, Olympics  ...X
 Events Team Haze F--ked Up Day @ the Fair 72948/4/2008 China Des Moines...X
 News Ride a bicycle, pay to pave a state highway? 87182/1/2008AdvocacyChina Des Moines...X
 News Decorah couple abiding by 'pre-nup' and biking around the world 70306/11/2007CultureChina Decorah...X
 Events Team Haze F--ked Up Day @ the Fair 69858/8/2006 China  ...X
 News Cycling puts students in control of their health 787410/12/2005Advocacy, Commuting, CultureChina Iowa City...X
 News News of the Weird 73416/13/2002 China  ...X
 News 2 Americans Killed Cycling in Vietnam 75072/5/2002 China  ...X
 News Taiwan gives up title of world's `Bicycle Kingdom' 72701/25/2002 China  ...X
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