
Exercise and time outdoors can be beneficial to mental health. Warrior Expeditions is a non-profit organization that recognizes the theraputlic value of long-distance outdoor journeys and offers veterans long-distances hikes, bike rides, and canoeing expeditions.

For multiple years, the biking experience has been a cross-country ride that follows the Great American Rail-Trail route across the United States. While the Great American Rail-Trail is yet to be completed, the planned route includes Cass County. Seven veterans are participating in this year’s biking expedition, and on June 10, Callie Leaver and Allen Megginson biked from Coon Rapids to Atlantic. They rode the T-Bone Trail to its Dunbar Road Trailhead a few miles north of Atlantic where the trail currently ends. From there, they jumped on gravel roads to finish their ride to Sunnyside Park, their camping location for the night.





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