
  • Posted Jun 5, 2020

The women spoke out "Where are the Gemini Tanks?" - We designed one!

This was the new design we were going to debut for RAGBRAI. But... with the Covid-19 pandemic RAGBRAI has been postponed until 2021 as has most other cycling events in the state and the nation.

In light of all the postponements and cancellations we don't have any in-person expos/events planned where we will be offering merchandise, we won't be debuting much new gear this year.

We decided to still offer the 2020 design, but at first only in a crew shirt. Then the women spoke out and asked for a Gemini Tank top, so this is that design!

We again partnered with Primal Wear Inc. who have supported BIKEIOWA for years and they also are a major sponsor of RAGBRAI and print their lycra too.

The Green Plain pattern will match the crew shirts although in the photos, the pattern appears larger.


The ONLY way to get this Gemini Tank is to pre-order it.

--> BUY NOW <--


Since our in-person vending opportunities are very limited this year, we will not be ordering extras.

Sizing - We added 4x and 5x and on the flip side, X-smalls are offered too.

We'll ship mid/late JULY when they arrive.

ALL PRE-ORDERS ARE FINAL. Sorry - no refunds on pre-orders.

We are local too

We are a small Iowa business also hit by the pandemic. Our funds come from selling merchandise and our sponsors. Many of our sponsors are bars, restaurants and breweries which have been closed for two months and we are working with them to make the best of this year.

Did You know - in 2019 we donated $1,420 directly cycling causes and gave $5,815 worth of merchandise to local events and organizations to be used for fund raising, prizes, swag and awareness. We are only able to make this happen with our great sponsors and selling BIKEIOWA Gear! (read more)

2021 - Platinum Year

Next year will be our 20th year in business and we will be rockin' LOTS of new gear and hopefully some cool events to celebrate! Stay tuned!

10% off All Other BIKEIOWA GEAR

When you pre-order a Green Plaid Gemini Tank, you can get 10% off ANY other BIKEIOWA Gear in our online store.

We have some screamin' deals on our jerseys, crews and women's tanks.

A crushed red velvet Coozie? A donut coozie? - Yep - we got ya covered!

Our specialty T-shirts are also available: BIKESEXUAL (new colors!), IOWA GRAVEL, DRAFT, BUTCHER/BAKER/BICYCLE RACER

Shipping - Any additional gear added to your order will be shipped at the same time as the crew shirt, so mid/late July.

USE coupon code 'COVID10' for 10% off all other BIKEIOWA Gear on the same order.

We have tons of cool items and we'd rather have YOU using them versus setting in a tub at our place!


THANKS for supporting local and shopping BIKEIOWA !!

Ride Safe!
Scott Sumpter







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