
  • Posted Feb 12, 2016

When we heard Bike Law Iowa attorney, Jim Freeman, was moving to Iowa to start a practice, and would provide pro bono legal advice to cycling clubs and teams, we knew it was a great match!

Please welcome Jim Freeman, Bike Law Iowa, part of the Bike Law Network, as BIKEIOWA's newest sponsor!

Representation in Iowa bicycle accident cases

Jim Freeman first became involved in legal representation of bicyclists when a friend was struck by a carduring a group ride in 2006. She sustained a head injury and couldn’t recall the details of the collision.The insurance company initially denied the claim suggesting that the bicyclist had simply darted in frontof the car. Jim investigated the accident and through witness interviews he determined what reallyhappened. Eventually he was able to help his friend get compensation for her injuries.

Since then Jimbuilt his client base through word of mouth among cyclists who knew him as a fellow commuter, bikeracer, and touring cyclist.

Jim was recently interviewed by "Insight on Business|the News Hour" regarding Iowa bike laws and bike accidents.

The Mission

Founded by Peter Wilborn, Bob Mionske, and Ann Groninger, the Bike Law Network has expanded to cover 22 states and Canada.

Bike Law USA is not a law firm, but a Network of independent lawyers and law firms who share a common approach to the law and to helping cyclists.

Our methods and processes have been honed over the last fifteen years; we have handled every type of cycling case and have learned (and will continue to learn) how to do it better. Lawyers in the Bike Law Network work together to share insight and experience to serve our respective clients. Our Network is growing, and as it does, each of us learns more.

As cyclists, we take a different approach because we understand how important cycling is, and how devastating it can be to be hit on a bike and lose the ability or desire to ride. Our goal is to be social as well as legal advocates, and we strive to help clients get back up riding as soon as possible. Once we get a case, we work the police to get the facts and fault right, we guide you through medical treatment and billing, negotiate with insurance companies, and, when necessary, file suit and go to trial.

We also provide pro bono legal advice to cycling clubs and teams - about insurance, organizational structure, and advocacy efforts, bicycle safety, and more. We regularly speak at bike club meetings, and are happy to come to yours.

Freeman Kevenides Law Firm

He is the founding partner of theFreeman Kevenides Law Firm,a personal injury practice dedicated to helping bicyclists throughout theMidwest. Begun in Chicago, the firm now practices in Iowa (because that's where Jim wants to raise his child).

All members of the FK Law team are cyclists who participate in the local bicycling communityby donating time and finances to groups that promote cycling and improve conditions for bicyclists.They also attend group rides, sponsor racing teams, and frequently commute to work by bicycle.

Known as “Lawyer Jim,” he believes that immersing himself in hishobby for a living is his favorite thing about practicing bike law. For many years, Jim hasvolunteered and worked with local bicycle advocacy organizations educating people about their rightsand responsibilities.

Jim gives regular "legal cycling" presentations to bike clubs throughout the Midwest in aneffort to educate cyclists about safety issues and how to handle collisions, assaults and accidents.

Professional Experience

Jimhas over a decade of experience working for and against insurance companies. This experience gives hima tactical advantage over both the insurance companies and their defense attorneys.

Jim is a member of the Iowa State Bar Association, Illinois Trial Lawyers Association, the ChicagoBar Association, the Illinois State Bar Association and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, aprestigious group of trial lawyers who have won multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements for theirclients.

Freeman prides himself on taking not only big cases, but also small cases that other lawyersmight turn down because of value or difficulty. He wants bicyclists to be able to turn to him for helpgetting compensation for their injuries regardless of the size or difficulty of their case.

Biking Background

Jim began bicycling like most other people, as a kid in grammar school. When he was in fourth grade hesurprised himself and his family by riding 50 miles for a charity fund raising event. As an adult, Lawyer Jim enjoys touring, racing and mechanics. In 2006 he rode from Chicago toMontreal with the Continental Pedal. Lawyer Jim took first fixed, second overall in the 2007 TourDa Chicago alleycat series. Jim also has many years of experience as a bicycle mechanic. True to hispassion, Jim still enjoys "turning a wrench" in the shop on occasion.

Jim is currently looking forward to the imminent arrival of his first child. He plans to raise his son inJefferson County Iowa, surrounding him with a large family of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles,and cousins. Jim is always up for a ride, so if you have a good ride that just can’t be missed send Jim an invitation.

Contact Bike Law About Your Iowa Bicycle Accident

If you have been injured in a Iowa bike accident, by a defective bicycle product, or because of an unsafe road condition and would like to discuss your case with a Iowa bicycle accident attorney who gets cycling, Jim welcomes your call for a free consultation. He can be reached at and 844-531-7530.

Please be advised that this website is for the purpose of legal advertising and marketing.

If you would like Bike Law to come speak to your club or at your shop, please contact us.






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