

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jun 08 2019 - Sun Jun 09 2019 5:30 AM - 6:00 PM


Scott Community College
Bettendorf, IA


Quad Cities Bicycle Club



Distance - 196 Miles or 125 Miles

The Ride: 

TOMRV is the Tour of the Mississippi River Valley, a Midwest cycling tradition now in its 42nd year. Every year more than 1,000 bicycling enthusiasts come to ride the TOMRV tour. They enjoy a challenging ride on scenic roads, through Midwest farmland, and along the Mississippi River.

We leave on Saturday June 8, 2019 from Bettendorf, Iowa (106 miles) or from Goose Lake, Iowa (75 miles), and travel to Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa. The next day we return using a different route to Bettendorf (90 miles) or to Goose Lake (50 miles). The route is varied and scenic, using lightly traveled paved roads. There are many views of the Mississippi River as we ride along it, over it on bridges, and through it on causeways. The route is hilly near Dubuque, with 6,000 feet of climbing on Saturday and 4,000 feet on Sunday

You will have top-notch support services on the tour. The Quad Cities Bicycle Club provides many rest stops on the way with free food and refreshments. Additional food is sold along the route by civic and church organizations. Upon arriving at Clarke, the legendary TOMRV banquet is waiting for you. Clarke University will open its dormitories for our overnight stay. Camping at Clarke is also an option, as well as staying at local motels.

New for 2019, we will offer transportation on Sunday morning for you and your bicycle to your starting point. This idea has come about because, over the years, various individuals have indicated that they would like to participate in the ride, but they would prefer to ride only one day. Some people have ridden the ride for many years, enjoy the comradery, but feel they would enjoy riding only one day. Others have personal conflicts, but may be able to ride one day. Knowing that Saturday is the big day of the ride with the longer mileage, the beer garden, and banquet, we are offering Sunday morning transportation (leaving Clarke at 8:00) for you and your bicycle to Goose Lake or Scott CC. The cost for this is $25.00. This fee is in addition to the regular registration fee. Be sure to include this in your registration to secure your spot!

This is TOMRV, a tradition of good riding, good scenery, challenging hills, good food, and an overall good time. So if this is for you, then plan to ride with us this year.


June 8 & 9, 2019 - 2 Days

Option 1: Bettendorf - Dubuque, IA : 106 Miles and return: 96 Miles - 196 Miles Total
Option 2: Goose Lake - Dubuque, IA : 75 Miles and return: 50 Miles - 125 Miles Total


Scott Community College

500 Belmont Road
Bettendorf, IA 52722


Individual Registration

» $73.00 Register Dec 1 - Mar 31
» $84.00 Register Apr 1- May 26
» $95.00 Register May 27th - June 5th


Register at packet pickup $100 (QCBC Member, $5 discount)


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