

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jul 01 2017 - Sun Jul 02 2017 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM







Distance - Unknown

The Cedar Valley Cyclists, Cedar Trails Partnership, Cedar Valley Association of Soft Trails (CVAST) and the Cedar Falls Tourism & Visitors Bureau invite you to attend the 2nd annual Cedar Valley Pedal Fest on July 1st and 2nd, 2017!

Featuring a variety of rides from road to dirt tail riding. Plus other variations of ride to show off the Cedar Valley trail systems.



Saturday, July 1, 2017

Blessing of Bicycles


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

The Cedar Falls Ministerial Association invites you to a brief Blessing of Bicycles to kick off the festival.

Sponsored by the Cedar Falls Ministerial Association

Coffee Ride


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Meet us at Gateway Park and get charged up by riding to Cup of Joe in downtown Cedar Falls and then to the new Sidecar coffee shop in downtown Waterloo.

15 miles

Bridge-2-Bridge Ride

8:00am registration

8:30am ride

Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Celebrate the replacement of the two Cedar Valley Nature Trail bridges destroyed in the Great Flood of 2008.  Enjoy the diverse beauty that surrounds the trail including parks, woodlands, lakes, the Cedar River and parts of downtowns. Stop for a snack at the Evansdale Bridge Trailhead compliments of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church of Evansdale.

Short Version – 25 miles

This ride follows Cedar Valley Lakes Trail through George Wyth State Park, through Waterloo Cedar River and Exchange Parks, through downtown Waterloo and along the Cedar River into Evansdale.  The route follows the new trail atop the levee until Evansdale’s Deerwood Park and connects with Gilbert Drive Trail to the trail loop around Meyers Lake and then connects with Cedar Valley Nature Trail at the new Evansdale Bridge.   Appreciation of the community efforts to replace the bridge will be recognized.  This ride is suitable for children.

Long Version - 66 miles

The Long Version follows the same route as the Short Version as far as the Evansdale Bridge, and then continues down the Cedar Valley Nature Trail until Foulk Road, continues until E. Shaulis Rd where it crosses US 218 at the stoplights.  Next, the route follows Dysart Rd (V37) until E. Tama Rd (D52) into La Porte City where it rejoins Cedar Valley Nature Trail near the gazebo.  The Cedar Valley Nature Trail continues to the McFarlane Bridge to celebrate and appreciate the second major bridge replacement that reconnected the trail following the Great Flood.  Our return to Gateway Park will be via the same route for a 66-mile ride. Refreshments are available in Waterloo, Evansdale and La Porte City.  Support services will end at 2:00pm.  This ride is not recommended for children.  Roger White will lead this ride and there will be a designated sweeper so no one is left behind.

Sponsored by Cedar Valley Cyclists and Cedar Valley Bicycle Collective

Bike Rodeo 

10:00am - noon

Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Young cyclists are encouraged to sharpen their safe cycling skills by riding our course and learning how to handle potentially dangerous situations while riding. Bicycles will be inspected by professionals from Bike Tech prior to participation.

Police, Pedals and Popsicles 


Start behind the Waterloo Public Library, 415 Commercial Street, Waterloo

Family-friendly venues will be highlighted on this all-ages bike tour of downtown Waterloo. Riders will strap on their helmets and make stops at the YWCA, Cedar Valley SportsPlex and Phelps Youth Pavilion. The ride will end at Mark's Park where riders may cool off with a popsicle and a run through the splash pad. Young riders will receive a free book.

Sponsored by the Waterloo Police Department and Waterloo Public Library

5 miles

Story Time Ride


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

The ride will starte at Gateway Park and we'll take the trail over the Cedar River and under the Main Street and 1st Street bridges to State Street.  We will take State Street to 6th Street and stop at the Cedar Falls Library.  There, we will stop for Story Time and an activity.  We will then resume on bikes heading south on State Street and turning left onto E 7th Street, turning onto Grove Street, turning left onto E 9th Street and then into Washington Park to ride the loop. We will then head back to Gateway Park on the South Riverside Trail.

3 miles

Brew Ride


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Join us for a fun bike ride to try out a couple of our new local breweries. Starting at Gateway Park, we will make our first stop at Second State Brewing in downtown Cedar Falls. After a brief stop we will move on to another local brewery and then end up at Single Speed Brewing in downtown Waterloo.

20 miles

Park to Park Ride


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Take in 7 parks, starting at Gateway Park. Riders will visit Black Hawk Park via the Cedar Valley Trail, riding through Island Park and Tourist Park. Next, riders go to Washington Park and Pfeiffer Springs Park. They will then ride down the hill on the South Riverside Trail by Hartman Reserve, across the Cedar River through George Wyth State Park and back to Gateway Park.

Stops with short stories about the naming of the parks will take place. Riders can return to Gateway Park from a few locations along the way to shorten the trip.

18 miles

Ride to the Rhythm


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Ride to the Rhythm at RiverLoop Amphitheatre and listen to the sounds of the wcfsymphony as they perform with the beautiful Cedar River as a backdrop. The concert is free and a fireworks display will be available to view. You must have lights on your bike for this ride. Pack a blanket for sitting outdoors. Food trucks will be available at the RiverLoop area. 

7.5 miles

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Denver Ride

8:45am registration

9:00am ride

Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Enjoy the scenery and good paved roads for a ride that will allow the riders to experience the rural landscape and bountiful farm fields of the area. This ride follows N. Main Street and Big Woods Road to Big Woods Park, follows the Big Woods Trail around the lake to Big Woods Road, Dunkerton Road, Wagner Road/V25 and C50 into Denver.  The route returns on C50 to Janesville, Waverly Road/Center St/V14, Dunkerton Road and Big Woods Road to Cedar Falls and retraces the outbound route from Big Woods Park to Gateway Park. Roger White will lead and there will be a designated sweeper so no one is left behind. Denver American Legion will have an "all you can eat" waffle breakfast for $6/person for those who wish to partake. 

30 miles

Popcorn Ride


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Join fellow cyclists as we learn about the taste and beauty of popcorn. Children and adults are encouraged to attend and experience the world of growing, and even tasting popcorn! Jim Fitkin, popcorn grower and owner of FIT-POP, will take riders by the popcorn fields and on his farm to experience growing and learning about popcorn production. Ride will end in downtown Cedar Falls at Here's What's Poppin' popcorn shop.

4.8 miles

Dirt Ride


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Come join us for a Dirty Trail Ride! Take a tour of Tondro Pray Bike Park, our new pump track and cyclocross race track. The park also features a new single track route with different obstacles and rock drops and jumps. We will also utilize some of the single track dirt trails throughout George Wyth Park. Be sure to bring water bottles, insect spray and lots of energy. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. Riders of all abilities are welcome, from beginners to advanced riders. Come out and get dirty!

6 to 10 miles

LiveWell Kids Ride


UnityPoint Health, 5100 Prairie Parkway, Cedar Falls

This ride starts and ends at UnityPoint Health – Prairie Parkway, where you can meet pediatricians, participate in healthy activities and register to win a grand prize! The ride will head north on Prairie Parkway to the Pinnacle Prairie Trail and continue along Greenhill Road across South Main Street. We'll head toward the Cedar Falls Mayors Pedestrian Bridge and turn around to come back.

3.5 miles

Faith to Faith Ride


Gateway Park, Cedar Falls

Visit the buildings of six faith communities in Cedar Falls and Waterloo. We will ride to St. Patrick Catholic Church and First United Methodist Church, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Masjid Al-Noor Islamic Community Center, St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church and Trinity Lutheran Church. We will explore the architecture of each building and get some history of the faith community and their ministry within the Cedar Valley. The ride will be approximately 11 miles one way and should take about 90 minutes with our stops. After ending at Trinity Lutheran Church in Waterloo, riders will be free to enjoy the trails as they explore more or return home.

22 miles


See each ride's details...

Unless otherwise noted, all rides start at Gateway Park in Cedar Falls.






FREE - There is no cost to participate and registration opens at 8:00 am on Saturday, July 1 and on Sunday, July 2.


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