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 Events Siouxland Bike-N-Bite 72466/25/2019Commuting, Culture, Education, Other, Party, Touring, TourismFarmers Market, local food, RestaurantPerry Creek TrailSioux City...X
 Events Mayor's Entre-Tourism Bike Ride 139648/8/2018Destination, Education, Recreation, Road, TourismBicycle Tourism, Cedar Trails Partnership, Cedar Valley Cyclists, Cedar Valley Trails Partnership, Family Ride, Farmers Market, Food Truck Cedar Falls...X
 Events 2018 Siouxland Bike-N-Bite 103577/3/2018Culture, Education, Other, Party, RecreationFarmers Market, local foodPerry Creek TrailSioux City...X
 Events Move Naturally to the Farmer's Market 104714/16/2017DestinationBicyclists of Iowa City, Family Ride, Farmers Market, Think Bicycles of Johnson CountyDubuque St. Trail, Iowa City Metro Area Trails, Iowa River Corridor TrailIowa City...X
 Events Move Naturally to the Market 105294/16/2017DestinationBicyclists of Iowa City, Family Ride, Farmers Market, Think Bicycles of Johnson CountyIowa City Metro Area Trails, Iowa River Corridor TrailIowa City...X
 Events Move Naturally to the Farmer's Market 104194/16/2017DestinationBicyclists of Iowa City, Family Ride, Farmers Market, Think Bicycles of Johnson CountyDubuque St. Trail, Iowa City Metro Area Trails, Iowa River Corridor TrailIowa City...X
 Events Move Naturally to the Farmer's Market 103594/16/2017DestinationBicyclists of Iowa City, Family Ride, Farmers Market, Think Bicycles of Johnson CountyIowa City Metro Area Trails, Iowa River Corridor TrailIowa City...X
 Events Join the Movement: Iowa City Bike Boulevard 187484/28/2016Advocacy, Commuting, Culture, Education, RecreationAdvocacy, Beginner, Bicycle Culture, Bicycle Friendly, Bicycle Laws, Bicycle Master Plan, Bicycle Safety, Bicycles, Bicyclists of Iowa City, Bike Lanes and Routes, Bike Library, Bike Month, Bike Share, Bike to School, Bike to Work, BIKEIOWA, Bikes Belong, Bikes Belong Coalition (BBC), Children, Children's Bikes, Commuting, Complete Streets, Distracted Drivers, Education, Facebook, Family Ride, Farmers Market, Free, Freeman Kevenides Law Firm LLC, Health and Fitness, Healthy Habits Bicycles and Nutrition, Helmet, Infrastructure, Intermediate, Iowa, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa City Bike Library, Iowa City Cycling Club (ICCC), Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), League of American Bicyclist (LAB), Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Pedestrian, People for Bikes, Recreation, Ride Right, Route, Safe Routes to School, School, Share the Road, Social Media, Think Bicycles of Johnson County, University of Iowa, Wellness, World of Bikes Coralville, Iowa City, North Liberty...X
 Events Local Food Cycle 156661/15/2016CultureBeer, Bicycle Tourism, Education, Family Ride, Farmers Market, Fundraiser, Health and Fitness, Iowa State University, Live Music, local food, Music, Non-profit, rural Iowa, Sustainable, Swag Ames, Boone, Madrid...X
 News Ankeny Market and Pavilion Project Breaks Ground 97756/26/2015Destination, Recreation, TrailsFarmers Market, Trail HeadHigh Trestle TrailAnkeny...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 80726/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 88116/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 80696/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 70896/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 76286/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 69946/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 75186/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 74716/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 84116/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 81036/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 88406/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 77816/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 79386/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 82406/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
 Events Dallas Center Farmers Market Ride-In 82866/9/2013Destination, TrailsFarmers Market, The Longest YardRaccoon River Valley TrailDallas Center...X
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