
  • Posted May 30

The 2024 RAGBRAI Route Inspection Team leaves Atlantic on their way to Winteset on Day 3 of the RAGBRAI LI route.

Day 3, Tuesday, July 23: Atlantic to Winterset

  • Miles: 82.
  • Feet of climb: 4,519.
  • Themes: College Jersey Day.
  • Pass-through towns: Wiota, Cumberland, Massena, Fontanelle, Orient and Macksburg.
  • Meeting town: Greenfield.
  • Gravel option: 4.5 miles, 339 feet of climb.
  • Highlights: If you survive this day, you can take comfort that the most elevation gain of any single day of the ride is behind you. Don't miss the chance to get your photo taken in Cumberland at the Middle of Nowhere, the town tap. Marvel at the giant wind farm, with its 20-story generators, stretching from horizon to horizon along the route. Macksburg is the self-proclaimed home of the National Skillet Throw, a June event that involves nailing dummies with thrown frying pans. And Winterset, the overnight stop, is a scenic county seat town on the edge of the Des Moines metro with a museum dedicated to native John Wayne.
Source - Stats from Philip Joens - Des Moines Register Reporter and 18 time RAGBRAI veteran.


What does the Route Inspection Team do?
  • We ride the route on the same time and day of the week that RAGBRAI will ride in July.
  • We identify any unsafe traffic patterns like a factory shift ending as we are rolling by, etc..
  • We look for any road hazards or conditions that may need improvements before the event. That data is shared with the county engineers.
  • We visit with all the towns and give them an idea of when they can expect riders in their towns when RAGBRAI comes through.
  • We answer any questions the town committees and their business owners may have.
  • We share the experience with registrants.
  • We showcase the beautiful route and everything these communities have to offer.





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