
  • Posted Feb 24, 2019

Wow! What a day CIRREM...

250 signed up, 42 started and only 17 finished.

The ice was epic and I don't use that word lightly. My bike and gear choices were spot-on. My (old gravel) tires would have worked better with some more tread and maybe studs... but I run what I brung!

Over half the starters turned back at the first turn on gravel. There was a hill that cars were getting stuck on and bikes with studded tires were having a hard time getting traction. Search for Facebook tabs for "Cirrem" and watch some of the videos.

The 1st 15 miles were real sketchy - rode in the crusty snow where the ditch meets the road. Only went in the ditch once and fell on the ice once. Machine screws (shoe studs) in my boots saved me from going down at least two dozen times and at least 100 'oh shit' moments.

Mile 15-64 was like older CIRREMs - cold and sloppy with patches of ice. Mud didn't stick much since it was so wet. Finished in under 7 1/2 hours and I 13th place overall and 3rd place fat bike.

I've done dumber things, but I love the nasty races. Thankful for no broken bones.

I got a $50 gift cert from Sakari Sushi Lounge and a $25 gift cert from Kyle's Bikes.

THANKS to Kent Carlson & crew for putting this beast on and THANKS to the Cumming Tap for hosting including breakfast and lunch.

Even on a day like this, Iowa has THE best cycling scene anywhere!





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