
  • Posted Jul 15, 2012
For the second year in a row RAGBRAI Team SLAP (Squeal Like A Pig) based in Pleasant Hill, Iowa rode from Missouri to Minnesota in three (3) days over the 4th of July holiday week. The weather was extremely hot and windy, but the four (4) man team persevered thanks to our top notch support crew. We started just South of Redding, Iowa on Highway 169 and finished 230 miles later just North of Swea City, Iowa on county road P30.

Day one consisted of 68 miles of hills in over 100 degree temperatures with a nice tail wind. We stopped in Creston for lunch and stayed in Stuart for the night. The ride to Creston was fast and fun, but the heat started setting in and even our strongest riders where getting leg cramps in the afternoon. The best part of day one was the swimming pool at the hotel!

Day two consisted of 76 miles and started out with the most picturesque ride from Stuart to Panora. The route was sort of hilly, but so scenic and much cooler in the morning we rather enjoyed the ride. Once in Panora, we jumped on the Raccoon River Valley trail and rode to Jefferson for lunch. After lunch we stopped a couple of times on our way to Ft. Dodge. Our support crew would drive ahead and ask home owners if four (4) crazy cyclists could rest under their shade tree. Of course, in Iowa, everyone is welcoming and accommodating. Everyone one said yes and invited us into their home and offered food and drinks. We stayed in the front yard and enjoyed the hospitality of our new friends. The best part of day two was our steak dinner at the Cellar Restaurant in Ft. Dodge. Our steaks where perfectly prepared and the service was outstanding.

Day three consisted of 86 miles and was suppose to be race day given the perfectly flat land in Northern Iowa. However, the 10 to 20 mph headwind make the day rather difficult. We stopped at Norm’s Grocery Store in Bode, Iowa and was treated to ice cream and got to meet the owner of the store. If you are a farmer in the area this is the place for you. We got to discuss the current state of the drought and the past RAGBRAI trips with our new friends. We stopped near Algona for lunch. The best part of day three was the very cold beer in Lone Rock!

Our team members range from 20 to 56 years old. We are mostly family and have enjoyed RAGBRAI for over 5 years. It was all started by Major Ed Bryja U.S Army retired. He is our fearless leader and has never met a stranger. The best part of riding with team SLAP is the good times under less than perfect conditions. See you all on RAGBRAI XL. We will be the ones squealing as we ride past!

  • Author: ss
  • Posted By: ss
  • Modified: Jul 15, 2012 by ss






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