
  • Kurt Holzer
  • Fri March 20 2020
  • Posted Mar 20, 2020
A great and informative read by Bike Law Kurt - read the whole post here.

There are lots of reasons to keep riding during the COVID-19 pandemic. A half hour or hour of moderately brisk activity has been shown to support the immune system. And it’s the immune system that fends off viruses. There are also the mental health benefits of exercise. Those seem particularly important given the social stresses we are all facing.

Be careful about touching anything. Things like buttons for traffic lights or door handles could be vectors for disease transmission.
Try to use our jacket sleeve, elbow or a glove. Remember to not touch your face because that appears to be a primary transmission method.

It also important, given that the corona virus can live on surfaces for, at a minimum, hours to wipe down the bike immediately after a ride with soap and water or disinfectant wipes. Similarly, it makes sense to not lets ones cycling clothes sit around and to wash them immediately post ride as well.






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