
Bike Ride, Tacos, Solon HS Mariachi Band

Celebrating 15 years of getting more people on bikes.

The Iowa City Bike Library celebrates 15 years of serving the community this month with a family-friendly bike ride and fiesta to follow. With a theme of “Fancy Cycling for Amateurs,” the event on Friday, May 17 from 5-9 pm is free and open to the public. The Bike Library is currently located at 700 South Dubuque Street, in Iowa City.

ICBL friends, fans and volunteers will enjoy a family-friendly ride, eat tacos served by Chef Anarchist Abue-Pete-a, listen to live mariachi, and even enjoy a bouncy house. While supplies last, attendees will receive a limited-edition print by local artist Emily Martin commemorating the Bike Library’s “15 years strong”. Cyclists gather at the Bike Library starting at 5pm and leave at 5:30 for a six-mile bike ride around Terry Trueblood Recreation Area. Cyclists return about 6:30 pm for further festivities at the Bike Library; refreshments will be served after the ride.

The Bike Library started 15 years ago when organizers, including Founding Member Brian Loring, sold refurbished bikes at the Farmers Market. Since then, the Bike Library found its first home at the former Wilson’s Sporting Goods on College Street. The Library has been at the Dubuque St. location since 2016.

Community members donate used bikes and volunteers refurbish them to be checked-out the way a library checks out books. Patrons put down a $100 - $300 deposit for six months. They can choose to return their bike for a refund minus a 50 dollars sustainability fee, or simply keep it past the due date and the bike is theirs to keep.

Jim Throgmorton, Mayor of Iowa City, has proclaimed the week of May 13-19, 2019 to be Bike to Work Week. “For 15 years the Bike Library has been empowering residents to bike for transportation, errands, recreation, and riding to school. What better way to celebrate our quinceañera and Bike to Work Week than with a bike ride, tacos and the Solon HS Mariachi Band?” Says Audrey Wiedemeier, Executive Director.

The Bike Library will unveil its new vision statement and list of values at the event. The Bike Library’s Dubuque location is temporary. The Bike Library is currently looking for a permanent location.

The Iowa City Bike Library’s mission is to get more people on bikes. The non-profit relies on volunteers, partnerships with area organizations, and donations of bicycles to accomplish this mission.

For further information about this event or others during Bike Month, look for us on Facebook, or a




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