
  • Bob Fenske
  • Tue March 20 2018
  • Posted Mar 20, 2018
Committee close to landing TAP grant, but needs to raise $154,000 for trail’s Phase II

The TRIBE Trail Committee is well on its way to securing a $224,000 grant for the second phase of the trail that will eventually connect existing ones in Mikkelson Park and the city’s west-side Industrial Park.

Committee members Rick Kramer and Megan Baltes traveled to Waterloo last week and gave Iowa Department of Transportation officials their pitch for a Transportation Alternative Program grant, which are commonly referred to as TAP grants.

All indications point to the committee receiving the grant. The TAP Committee will meetThursdayto make its recommendations and the grant will be officially awarded in July.

“This grant is huge for our project; however, with this grant, comes a challenge,” Baltes said.

For more on this story, please see the March 20 Tribune.






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