
  • Tue September 07 2004
  • Posted Sep 7, 2004
Cycling Reviews is expanding the web site to be your source for cycling legislation, safety, and promotion of cycling events like “Bike to Work Week”. Tim Cameron, owner and founder of Cycling Reviews, has over 17 years experience as a professional lobbyist in state legislatures and Congress. His experience will prove to be an asset to this cause including all cycling enthusiasts, cycling product manufacturers, and small business. Cycling Reviews Advocacy will report to our membership weekly through emails pending legislation of all fifty states and Congress. We will develop a legislation monitor in all fifty states who will keep an eye on legislation and inform our membership of important legislation. Tim said “we want to hear about pending legislation in your state if it concerns cycling”. “We would like to be the source for cycling legislation in the United States”. If you hear about legislation or resolutions passed in your local town we want to know. Just send us and email with the information and where you found it and we will take care of the rest. There is a host of news out there like “bicycle friendly cities”, “bike to work week”, cycling safety, and new trails legislation and we want to hear about it. One of our first steps is to develop a legislation monitor in every state. If you have an interest in cycling and what’s happening in your state legislature and want to help cycling enthusiasts from all over the United States, let us know. You don’t necessarily need to know the political ropes or the legislative process but you must have a heart for our cycling cause. We plan to expand this advocacy program world-wide next year. Finally, we plan to collaborate with other cycling groups and web sites to enhance what we will do and how we can help others. If you have a site or know of a web site that may want to collaborate with us please or would like to sign up as a state monitor please send us an email. Tim Cameron can be reached at

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