
Greetings from someone who drives and rides a bike. When driving at night in Ames, all too frequently, I encounter cyclists who have no lights, wear dark clothing and ride dark bicycles. It is only by the grace of God and quick reflexes that I have not already injured, or even killed, a few of them.

Every bicycle, like any other moving vehicle, should be required to have lights both in front and in the back. Cyclists should also be required to wear a reflective vest. Flags aren't visible enough at night. It boggles my mind that opposition could come from the very bike riders who would be protected. Thank you to legislators in both parties who are proposing legislation. I hope it will be supported.

— Renate Dellmann, Ames






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The only opposition to the bicycle red taillight legislation I'm aware of is coming from the Iowa Bicycle Coalition. But yeah, I do not understand their RATIONALIZATION as to why it is not a good idea for bikes to be required to have illuminated red taillights. Their reasoning was something similar to [Stupid Johnny will probably forget to turn his red taillight on, anyway.]...

#2 - bacchettaman posted Feb 12, 2017 here is his facebook, ask him?!

#1 - MrPeske posted Jan 30, 2017

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