
  • Wed December 01 2010
  • Posted Dec 1, 2010
WOW, what a weekend of racing and fun times. This event is run solely by volunteers, and what a crew of volunteers it takes to pull off this event. Here is a short list of individuals who helped out, and I am probably missing numerous others: Gilp, Gunnar, Darcy, Ryan, Dueth, Gpickle, Matias, Poncho, Sandy, Dan, Cara, Team Skin, Geoff’s Bike & Ski Family, Corc, Rob, Amedeo, JD, Dave Ashton, Amanda, Lu Lefler, Doc Peter, Doc Hopson, Doc Tom, Cross Jesus, Brittney, Brendan, Sara, Jeremy S., Wanda, Ryan, Nate, Jody, Norbert, Patrick, Darian, Jeremy G., Keith, Bananas, Cochran, Lisa, Fleagle, Mike Frasier, Kyle, Robin, Karen S., Buchanan boys, John, Cat, Landon, The Rock, Megan, Brent, Registration crew, Open shop night, and everyone who helped tear down Sunday. Legendary tradition: crew hauling a keg on a 2- wheeler cart to the top of Mt. Krumpit……dry in 64 minutes this year. Faithful lieutenants: Kenny Lefler, Jamie Jorgensen (JJ), Dan Shaffer, and Brian Abbott, who earned his stripes this year. Norbert was the new intern this year, keep up the good work kid, and next year you could get your stripes. SS Speedo/bikini race……nice, very nice! How about Geoff’s Bike & Ski Flyover? Thanks to Brian & Kim (#2) Eppen…not bad for being drawn up on a bar napkin. Above and beyond: Nate VdW getting all the crossing guards. John and I have been trying for years to get this figured out, and the key…..someone has to do it who is likeable/lovable, obviously not us…but Nate…yes. Geoff, what can I say, wouldn’t have pulled it off this year without you!! Creative placements of dollar bills…way nice! Bruce, Dave, and Phil (Healthy Habits) for building the start grid and Gerry V. for taking care of the pits. Scott & Julie ( for their continued support , Jerry for the gator, James (Z-man) for mowing, Jack for the volunteer’s food, Michael Edwards for the computer results, Mark Guthart for keeping the officials in line and handling all the registration/results fun stuff. Okay Meehan, C1 status and 1,500 racers this year, can we stop trying to up the ante each year? Whew….. The biggest thanks go out to the racers and spectators from all over the country who come out to support Jingle Cross and the Children’s Hospital (it’s for the kids). Each year we keeping showing the love and hospitality that Iowa has to offer as the elite of the elites keep us on their race calendar each year: the Well Bros, Schouten, Matter, Iddings, Tilford, Meredith, and Amanda. Damn, we know how to have a good time…lose yourself to find yourself! Cheers, Todd

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