
  • Wed July 24 2024
  • Posted Aug 7

When Matt and Becky Mills invited the RAGBRAI bike team known as “Team Cuisine” into their home, they knew what they were getting into, and couldn't wait! The same group overnighted with them the last time RAGBRAI came through Atlantic five years ago, and were a genuine delight to host.

Team Cuisine is a group of friends who ride their bikes across Iowa every summer, while sharing their culinary skills with host families. The Chicago-area based team, formed in 2004, also includes riders and cooking staff from all across the country.

“We limit our number of riders to 25 each year, explained Joe Lane, Team Coordinator. “Our culinary staff is headed by a professional chef and supported by one or two other chefs. There is also a support staff of three who drive the trucks, and make sure everyone gets up in time each day to load the trucks and be on the road by 7 a.m. They travel with a truck fully loaded with refrigerators, freezers, and ingredients to be used in their planned meals, which are different each day.

When they arrive at their host house, they “take over” the kitchen, and prepare a wonderful gourmet meal for their host family and guests, and the entire RAGBRAI team.






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