
  • Sun May 29 2005
  • Posted May 29, 2005
The next RAGBRAI meeting will be held Tuesday, May 31, at 7 p.m. at the Melvin Civic Center. RAGBRAI will be coming through Melvin Monday, July 25th. Melvin is termed a pass-through lunch/brunch town. This makes it hard to know how many people will be stopping for lunch. Vendors have been signed up to handle the food, along with some fun vendors. All vendors will be charged a fee, with a higher fee for out-of-town vendors. Deadline for signing up is June 15th. The committee also requests a list of what you will be serving and how many people you plan to serve, in order to coordinate everything. The RAGBRAI and Moose Day committees will hold a supper on June 4th at the American Legion Community Building in Melvin from 5-7 p.m. A free will offering will be taken. Money raised will be used to help cover expenses and advertising. An ad appeared previously and will appear in next week's issue. Anyone interested in having a food stand can contact Mary Steinmetz, 736-2329; Sandra Verhoef, 712/363-3221; or Judy Wolterstorff, 712/736-2611.

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