
  • Mon January 29 2024
  • Posted Jan 29, 2024

This event is your opportunity to meet with state legislators, discuss your bicycle policy priorities, and make your voice heard. Stop by for a conversation with the Iowa Bicycle Coalition over coffee and treats in the rotunda. Whether you’re an experienced cyclist or just starting, this is a must-attend event for anyone passionate about biking in Iowa. RSVP now and join us on January 30, 2024!

January 30, 2024 – 8 AM to 11 AM
Iowa State Capitol
1007 E Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50319
1st Floor Rotunda – West & South Side


Advocates play a crucial role in advancing bicycling legislation and promoting safe cycling infrastructure in their communities. By meeting with their legislators, advocates can educate them on important bicycling policies and share their personal experiences as cyclists. During the Iowa Bicycling Day at the Capitol, advocates will have the opportunity to meet with their legislators, discuss priority bicycling legislation, and make their voices heard

What happens during Iowa Bicycling Day at the Capitol:

Advocates are encouraged to check in upon arrival to receive instructions and a talking points/leave-behind sheet. Advocates can then proceed to the Senate or House Chambers to request to see their legislators. After the meeting, advocates are asked to return to the rotunda to report their meeting. Don’t forget to join us for a group photo at the staircase at noon. Finally, there will be a debrief at El Bait Shop in Des Moines following the event.

Where do I park & how do I get inside?

To enter the Capitol for Iowa Bicycling Day at the Capitol, advocates should use the public entrances on the South or West side of the building. Once inside, advocates should proceed to the ground floor and take the stairs or elevators to the 1st-floor rotunda.

Upon reaching the 1st-floor rotunda, advocates will find the Iowa Bicycle Coalition set up on the South and West sides of the rotunda. Here, advocates can check in and receive their instructions and materials for the day’s events.

Thank you for supporting the Iowa Bicycle Coalition and advocating for safe bicycling in Iowa!

Learn more about the Iowa Bicycle Coalition here.

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