
  • Posted Feb 28, 2006

Central Iowa Trail Association

BIKEIOWA is proud to present the third profile for 2006. Each profile will consist of same fifteen base questions and answers with a gallery of pictures. This month's profile features the Central Iowa Trail Association (CITA). Thanks to Ryan Hanser, President of CITA for providing the profile information.
  1. Home Turf

    Turf? We like central Iowa DIRT.
  2. The Scoop

    Central Iowa Trail Association builds and maintains natural surface trails for shared, non-motorized use in central Iowa. We are an affiliate of the International Mountain Bicycle Association. In addition to our trail work and bicycle advocacy, we operate a chapter of the National Mountain Bike Patrol.
  3. Who's Who

    CITA has a seven-member board of directors and about 50 members who have paid dues. Another very important part of our team is the land managers we support… City of Des Moines, Des Moines Water Works, Polk County Conservation Board and Iowa Department of Natural Resources benefit from our work; we rely on them to provide access to do our work.
  4. Recent News

    We’re likely to begin building new trails at Summerset State Park near Indianola in March. And IMBA’s Trail Care Crew will visit Iowa May 20 for a trail building school at Whiterock Conservancy near Coon Rapids.
  5. Did You Know?

    Science shows that responsible hikers, cyclists and equestrians all have essentially equal impacts on natural surface trails.
  6. Our History

    CITA organized in response to a 1996 threat to bicycle access. While the nascent organization lost that battle, it gained an education in advocacy and trail science – assets which continue to grow within our organization and are shared with all who take an interest.
  7. Mission Statement

    From our Bylaws, CITA’s purpose is: “To lessen the burdens of government, preserve natural beauty and promote environmental conservation through the design, construction and maintenance of unpaved, shared-use trails for non-motorized transportation and recreation. CITA is devoted to education, advocacy and other activities that further this purpose including, but not limited to, maintaining public trails and park facilities, advancing and disseminating trail-building knowledge and the education of mountain bikers and other trail users in responsible and environmentally sound use of trails.”
  8. What's Hot?

    New trails opening to mountain bicycles in central Iowa this year; new opportunities to plan natural surface trails for 2007 and beyond.
  9. What's Not?

    Leaving a trace on trails! All winter we’ve seen footprints and tire marks made from using muddy trails. Some people don’t understand or choose to ignore the responsibility we all share to protect a trail resource.
  10. Favorite Iowa Event?

    Iowa Mountain Bike Championship Race Series. These events highlight Iowa’s trail resources.
  11. Favorite Quotes

    “There was no significant difference in the direct physical impacts of hikers and mountain bikers." -- Canadian researcher Eden Thurston, on her study that measured trail damage and was published in the Journal of Environmental Management
  12. What's Next?

    We’re likely to see 20 miles of new dirt trail open to cyclists this year. In the next few years, we may see natural surface trails that run along large stretches of river corridor. And existing areas previously off-limits opened to bicycles. But all of these opportunities are created through advocacy and trail labor; CITA will only go as far as our member volunteers take us.
  13. Sponsors

    Rasmussen Bike Shop hosts our monthly meetings and supports us in many other ways. We’ve enjoyed support from Giant Bicycles, Bike World, Irwin’s and most other area bicycle shops, too. Rhino Materials has donated cash for our trail building. We can always use more support!
  14. Accepting new members?

  15. Dues/Benefits

    $20 annual dues are a start; we ask members to commit to 20 hours of trailwork, too, though it’s not required. In return, members enjoy discounts at area retailers and take pride in knowing they are securing quality trails for today and the future.
  16. Contact Information

    Central Iowa Trail Association Ryan Hanser, president 515.229.3737
  17. Website
  18. Pictures

    More pictures comming soon!

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