
  • Posted Oct 14, 2002

Rules for Using Iowa's Trails
All Trail UsersBicyclists Pedestrians and Skaters
  • Show Courtesy to others.
  • Use the right side of the trail except when otherwise designated.
  • Obey all traffic signs and move to the side when looking at a scenic view
  • Always pass the left.
  • Follow all trail rules and hours.
  • Respect the Rights of property owners
  • Keep pets on a least and remove pet feces from trail
  • Travel with a buddy in case of an emergency
  • Yield to pedestrians and skaters
  • Give audible warning when passing other trails users. A friendly greeting like "Hello, passing on your left", or ringing a bell is considerate
  • Ride at a safe speed. Slow down and form a single file line in congested areas, reduced visibility or other hazardous conditions.
  • Use the right side of the trail, except when otherwise designated.
  • Watch out for other trails users.
  • Listen for audible signals and allow faster trails users to pass safely.
Courtesy of the Iowa Department of Transportation (PM 85B 8-5-02)

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