
BIKEIOWA NOTE: a great Feature on Nate Kullbom - racer, race organizer, bike shop manager, life cyclist.


As a teenager, Nate Kullbom grew up riding BMX bikes around his hometown of Burlington. He would watch races at Snake Alley — a steep, curvy road that serves as a race venue and has been called “the crookedest street in the world.”

It wasn’t until his early to mid 20s, when he attended the University of Iowa, that Kullbom started to compete. Now at 41, he has a pulse on every bike path in the area and plays an integral role in the local cycling community.

Kullbom, general manager of Sugar Bottom Bikes in North Liberty, is on the board of the core4 race that takes place at Wilson’s Orchard and that in short time has grown to become Iowa’s biggest gravel event, with 670 participants in 2023. He also puts on the Lake Macbride Fat Tire Classic with the Solon Centennial Lions Club, which takes cyclists on a hilly, challenging route through trails and gravel roads at the state park.

photo: Nick Rohlman/The Gazette



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