Saturday, May 24, 2014 – Memorial Day Weekend Fun!
Do a little dance. Make a little craft. Get wet today! Ride Walk Play CR offers individuals and families an opportunity to connect with the Linn County Trails and the local treasures along it. Start your journey at the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library where you can register and do a simple (we’re not kidding, very simple) Czech or Slovak folk dance. Hop on the trail to venture to the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. Along the way participate in activities ranging from blowing bubbles, playing with historic toys, creating a community mural with a bike or shoes and much, much more. Wend your way back by the African American Museum of Iowa for a wet and wild adventure. Registrants will receive discounts at participating cultural institutions.
All age participants are welcome, please keep your pets at home. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are welcome to walk or ride their bikes along the two mile loop.
Registration and Fees
The registration and event begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 24th, 2014 on the grounds of the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library. The event ends at 2:00 p.m.
Adult $5
Child 12 and under $2
Family $15
To register, call 319-362-8500 ext. 218 or e-mail Jan@NCSML.org.
Starting Location
The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library is located at:
1400 Inspiration Place SW (directions) (map)
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Event Sponsors
Sponsors of this event include the following area non-profit organizations:
African American Museum of Iowa
Carl & Mary Koehler History Center
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Cedar Rapids Public Library
Cedar Rapids Science Center
Iowa Children’s Museum
Linn County Trails Association
National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
Wickiup Hill Nature Center