

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sun Oct 30 2022 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Altoona Campus
Altoona, IA


Zealous Racing



Distance - 1.5 - 2 mile closed course

Join Zealous Racing for Day 2 of our Spooky Cross weekend! We'll have some course changes from our Saturday event and a simple 3 race schedule listed below. Races are only $15 with any additional race just $5! No USAC race license is required to race! This is a great opportunity to come out and see what cyclocross is about on a fun, flowly, and challenging course!

10 AM - Haunted Hustle - Category C - 30 mins
11 AM - Scarecrow Sprint - Category B - 45 mins
12 PM - Frighteningly Fast - Category A - 60 mins

Medals will be awarded for the top 3 in each category.

Many consider cyclocross to be a steeplechase with modified road bikes on a 2km course over hill and dale; others consider it muddy hell. Its roots can be traced to the early 1900s, when French army private Daniel Gousseau would ride his bicycle alongside horseback-riding friends through the woods. But it's also an immensely popular winter race discipline, guaranteed to get you fitter (and muddier) with an exceptional atmosphere to boot.

Like triathlon, cyclocross mixes multiple athletic endeavors, namely riding and running, with a strong emphasis on skillful bike handling. The pace, barriers, climate and technical aspects of the course weed out the weak and make for good theatre. Spectators with horns and cowbells provide a festival environment, especially in Europe.

If you like bikes, beer and lots of mud, cyclocross is for you (

Spooky Cross - So Fun It's Frightening (read the review by Crandic Racing)

Sounds like fun?  Come out and see for yourself!

Please join us for a fun Halloween race!


Registration will open at 9 AM and close 15 minutes prior to the start of your race.  Registration will located under the blue Zealous Racing tent on the South side of the Altoona Campus.  Parking will be available in the Altoona Campus parking lot as well as the Altoona Dog Park located northwest of the course.  Don't forget to bring a costume and have fun!


All riders must sign a USAC rider release form.
Call ups will be generated from where you decide to line up before the start
Race held rain or shine. 
Helmets must be worn by all participants while riding at any time during this event.
Mountain bikes are allowed but bar ends must be removed and handlebars plugged.

We will also have a small kid's course set up for your little's to take a spin in between the tape! 


From I-80E: Take exit 141 for US-65 S toward Altoona/Des Moines Continue onto US-65 S Take exit 83 for US-6/Hubbell Ave toward I-35 Turn left onto NE 46th Ave/8th St SW Drive East for approximately 2 miles and the Altoona Campus will be on your right(South side of 8th St. SW).

From I-80W: Take exit 143 toward Altoona Turn left onto State Hwy 945/NE 72nd St Continue onto 1st Ave N Turn right onto 8th St SW Drive on 8th St. SW for approximately 1.5 miles and the Altoona Campus will be on your left(South side of 8th St. SW).

*** Parking will be available at the Altoona Campus as well as the Altoona Dog Park.
*** See attached image for parking details


Closed course between 1.5 - 2 miles long.


Altoona Campus

1500 8th St SW
Altoona, IA 50009



Racing: $15 Pre-registered or at the event. Pre-registration is preferred!
Additional race(s) on the same day is only $5/race!

Spectating: Free



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