

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Mon Oct 24 2022 4:45 PM - 6:45 PM


Des Moines City Hall
Des Moines, IA


Central Iowa Trail Association (CITA)


The re-zoning for the Copper Creek Mountain Bike Park in Pleasant Hill unanimously passed tonight at the Des Moines City Council meeting!!

THANKS to all who showed up, to those who spoke and to those who emailed the Council over the last week. We LOVE our Iowa Parks!!!




Distance - 0

Des Moines Planning &x; Zoning Commission voted to recommend rezoning of the 42 acres that will become Copper Creek Mountain Bike Park. This rezoning will be on the Des Moines City Council agenda on October 24.

Come out and show support for this to get passed. The rezoning is the critical next step towards the completion of this project.

Important TO-DO!
  1. Read up on the Copper Creek Park details
  2. Email the Des Moines City Council
  3. Attend the Council Meeting on Oct 24th - just being there shows our support

Information provided by Iowa Bicycle Coalition:


You may have heard Axios reported that plans to rezone the Cooper Creek Mountain Bike Park are being challenged.  Neighbors are painting mountain bikers as loud and destructive -- all the behaviors that just aren't true.  

Friends, you are one of the people that came to mind who could contact the Des Moines City Council to respectfully let them know how Cooper Creek Mountain Bike Park will be an asset to the community.  


We've worked with CITA to develop a form to email all of the city council members at once.  Just click and follow the instructions.  


The Copper Creek Mountain Bike Park that is planned near 1601 Williams Street in Des Moines is on the agenda Des Moines City Council meeting on Monday, October 24, 2022, at 5:00 PM

CITA is asking for your show of support for this project by attending and speaking at the City Council Meeting

The public is allowed to speak for or against this project.  Each member of the public is allowed 5 minutes to speak.  Let's show the City of Des Moines that more mountain bike trails are important for our community! 

Now is the time to have your voice heard by city leaders! 

To speak at the meeting - The Mayor will ask for public comments on the agenda item before the vote but they are first come first serve.  You basically queue up in a line and get a limited time to speak.  The Mayor will likely limit the number of speakers at the meeting so there is a chance that we will not all get to speak.

Start Time: Regularly scheduled City Council meetings occur at 5:00 PM, with proclamations starting at 4:45 PM.  

Location: City Hall, Council Chambers, 400 Robert D. Ray Drive, 2nd Floor, Des Moines, IA 50309

More information about the project can be found in the city's informational packet or on CITA's website.  


Our partners at CITA have worked hard on this project and we need to have as many people as possible contact the council or attend the meeting.


  • We would like to see some kids show their support by just showing up or speaking if they want.
  • Des Moines Families, who can share their positive MTB  experiences.
  • Des Moines business owners explaining the economic impact of more biking opportunities.
  • Anyone that just wants to show their support of CITA, City of Des Moines &x; Polk county and how their projects/trails have positively impacted your life.




Des Moines City Hall

400 Robert D. Ray Dr
Des Moines, IA 50309


Who Posted

  • Posted Sep 20, 2022 by dmccloney
  • Modified Oct 25, 2022 by bikeiowa
  • Recap Posted Oct 25, 2022



Related News


The Central Iowa mountain biking community needs a large show of support for the rezoning of the Copper Creek property for the Copper Creek Mountain Bike Park to move forward.

Attached is the video of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on the rezoning. Planning & Zoning Commission voted to recommend rezoning 10-1. However, there were several residents that spoke against the project as you will see in the video. Please watch the video and see why the Central Iowa mountain biking community needs to have a positive presence to show City Council that we are dedicated to this project.

Presentation starts at 6:20 into the video. The meeting lasts approximately 1 hr 10 min.

#1 - dmccloney posted Oct 3, 2022

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