

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Aug 17 2019 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Kings Pointe Resort and Waterpark
Storm Lake, IA


Storm Lake HyNoon Kiwanis


Triathlon - multi-sport

Distance - triathlon- 800 m swim, 12 mi bike, 5 K run Duathlon- 1.0 mi run, 12 mi bike, 5K run

The annual Hy Noon Kiwanis Storm the Lake triathlon is a charity event for Kiwanis International Eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus and local youth projects.  Join other athletes at beautiful Storm Lake, IA King’s Pointe Waterpark and Resort.  Swim in the protected bay, bike around the lake and run along the lake finishing at the flower lined path.  All transition areas are at the waterpark.  Storm Lake is considered one of the most beautiful venues for a triathlon.  The entire route is well marked with yellow vested Kiwanis volunteers cheering the athletes and providing assistance all along the way. 

In addition to the sprint triathlon, the team sprint triathlon, the duathlon there will also be a team/relay duathlon.  Both duathlons include a 1 mile run starting at Awaysis Park transition area, 12 mile bike around the lake from the transition area, then run a 5K along the lake finishing at the flower-lined path.

This is a USAT sanctioned event and participants are required to purchase a one day or annual membership to USAT. 


The swim is at Awaysis beach, swimming out 400m go around the bouys and return 400 m.  The transition area is a short run on artificial turf on the beach to the transition area.  Bike east out of the transition area on blocked off hwy 7, turn right on 120th Ave, then right on C65, then right on hwy 110, turn right on Howard Street and a quick left on Kelvin Rd, then a short left on Emerald Dr and right onto hwy 110.  Continue into town turning right on Grand Ave to Lakeshore Dr to the west side of the transition area.  From the transition area run east on hwy 7 to first intersection, turn right along the lake past the campground to the turnaround point.  Return to finish line near the transition area.

Duathlon start is the east end of the transition area run along hwy 7 to first intersection to the .5 mile mark and return to transition area to get on bike.


Kings Pointe Resort and Waterpark

1520 E. Lakeshore Dr.
Storm Lake, IA 50588



$50/individual, $65/team  This is a sanctioned event.  Each athlete must have an annual USAT membership or a 1 day membership for $15 to USAT


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