
  • Thu March 16 2023
  • Posted Mar 16, 2023
After a strong finish in the 2021 900-mile Race Across the West (RAW), winning the women's race and challenging for the overall victory all the way into Durango (where the race finishes), Heather Poskevich, of the Des Moines area, has decided to tackle the grand daddy of all ultra endurance races: the 3000-mile Race Across America (RAAM). Poskevich, who seems to thrive on longer events, such as RAW and the Tour of Central Iowa, is racing for charity this year.

"I value the people in our community, and being able to help them is important to me," said Poskevich. "I want to bring them along on the ride with me and showcase them to our community."

Another way she is showcasing the central Iowa community is through those who support her. Local companies Dimond Bikes and Velorosa Clothing will be helping her cross the country with some of the most modern and technically advanced gear available. Poskevich is also a wife, mom and an E.R. doctor. Des Moines cyclist and podcaster Dave Mable sat down with her to talk about her decision to tackle RAAM, and how she juggles training with work and family.

"It's a good phase of my life to do it. All these pieces came together in a way that - now's the time to do it."

Support Heather and her charities at and follow HPultracycling on Facebook and Instagram.

Beginning on June 13, 2023, follow Heather and the rest of the solo competitors at

In the summer of 2021, Lisa Carponelli talked with Poskevich about what led her to the bike less than 10 years ago, and what her experience at the Race Across the West was like. Listen on Episode 9 of Bike Talk with Dave:

Bike Talk with Dave is supported by Chain and Spoke Coffee. Order your favorite flavor at The Chain and Spoke retail location will be opening in late March in Des Moines, Iowa soon featuring great coffee, bikes and the new Bike Talk with Dave Studio! is the online host of Bike Talk with Dave. Get your event listed on the extensive ride and race calendar for free! Create an account and add and edit your event to reach thousands of cyclists.

AND if you want your event featured on Bike Talk with Dave, reach out on the Bike Talk with Dave instagram or facebook page for details how to highlight your ride on one of these bonus episodes!

Join Dave and the Iowa Gravel Gang on April 29 for the Driftless 100, a beautiful ride through the scenic Driftless region of Northeast Iowa. Starting in Elkader, a 100, 6o and 30 mile options are available. Register today at And a month before that, Dave and his wife, Dee, will be eating fried rattlesnake and riding gravel at the Rattlesnake Gravel Grind in Sweetwater, Texas.

And in April, put those skinny tires on for the Trofeo Sabato Santo Circuit Race in Des Moines, Iowa on April 8.






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