
  • Mark Wyatt
  • Fri March 03 2023
  • Posted Mar 6, 2023

The Iowa Bicycle Summit is proud to announce its impressive lineup of speakers for the upcoming event. The summit, scheduled for April 6, 2023, at the Courtyard Marriott Conference Center in Ankeny, will feature a variety of experts in the field of cycling and trail development.

Among the notable speakers is Paul LaFleur, who will present his session on "Spectacular Seven: Seven Interventions for Bike and Pedestrian Safety."Other speakers include Ken Barker from Backyard Trails, who will discuss building sustainable trails, and Caron Whitaker, Vice President of Government Relations at the League of American Bicyclists, who will talk about advancing bicycling through federal policy.

Lora Friest, Tourism Liaison from the Iowa Tourism Office, will also present a session titled "Partnering with the Iowa Tourism Office to Maximize Your Trail Brand, Enhance Your Marketing and Build Support."

The Iowa Bicycle Summit provides an opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest trends and innovations in cycling and trail development, as well as network with other industry professionals. The event attracts cyclists, trail builders, city planners, tourism officials, and others interested in promoting cycling and trail development in Iowa.

Registration for the Iowa Bicycle Summit is now open, with reduced pricing available for a limited time. Attendees can register and view the full schedule of events and sessions on the Iowa Bicycle Coalition's website.

For more information or to register for the summit,





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