
  • Mark Wyatt
  • Mon April 18 2022
  • Posted Apr 18, 2022
You’re going to want to mark your calendar for May 24th. Why? Because bicycling in Iowa is going to change forever. After years of planning, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition has united over 30 bicycling and trail non-profits doing work for Iowa bicyclists together for one amazing fundraising event. It’s called the Big Bike Give and it will change everything for bicyclists and the groups working for them.

The Big Bike Give brings every 501(c)(3) bike organization in Iowa that we could get in touch with together for a unified giving day with matches, prizes, and shared generosity to make supporting bicycling in Iowa easier than ever before. You’ll be able to create fundraisers for the organizations you want to help, give to one or multiple groups, and easily see the impact happening across the state by so many different groups.

For some of these groups, this is their first time being able to accept donations online or participating in a giving day. Others have never had a state-wide audience, and none have ever been able to join together in a single day of giving like this. Even the Iowa Bicycle Coalition will be participating with a special chance to have all donations matched 1-for-1 for the entire 24-hours.

Bookmark and stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.






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