
  • Wed August 25 2021
  • Posted Aug 25, 2021
As part of RAGBRAI’s new 2021 initiative for charitable giving, RAGBRAI presents a check of $15,000 to the local organizing committee’s charitable organization of their choice.

RAGBRAI Iowa Falls co-chairs Alison Campbell and Jeff Burchfield were both on hand on the main stage Tuesday evening to receive the check from RAGBRAI Director Dieter Drake. The check was made out to the Hardin County E-Squad as well as the Hardin County Recreational Trails Committee. The E-Squad was a tremendous help to our community’s RAGBRAI efforts, especially due to the extreme heat that we experienced on Tuesday.

And as we know, the E-Squad’s efforts are not relegated to just one event like RAGBRAI, but they do more than their part to support our communities and keep us safe on a daily basis. On behalf of the RAGBRAI Iowa Falls committee, it is a pleasure to present a portion of the charitable donation to the Hardin County E-Squad in recognition of their efforts.

The Hardin County Recreational Trails Committe has been instrumental in the development and creation of our city wide trail system. In addition to that, the trails committee has also provided helmets to the youth of our community in an effort to promote safe bicycling. The Hardin County Recreational Trails committee will meet with our Iowa Falls RAGBRAI committee as well as officials from the city of Iowa Falls to designate other programs and organizations where this these funds can be utilized in our community.

The great thing about receiving this check is that all of the funds will be used to directly benefit the citizens of our community. On behalf of the Iowa Falls RAGBRAI committee, we want to take this opportunity to again thank RAGBRAI for their support of our community initiatives. #RAGBRAI2021







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