
  • Sun June 27 2021
  • Posted Jun 28, 2021

In six weeks, beginning in early May, four bicyclists lost their lives in collisions with motor vehicles in the Quad-Cities.

For those who love to travel by bicycle, this was a sobering reminder of the dangers involved in riding alongside much heavier vehicles that often are moving at much faster speeds.

We should all acknowledge these dangers and dedicate ourselves to the idea that our roads belong to all of us— and no matter the size or speed of our vehicles, whether they go on two wheels or four, we all must do a better job of looking out for one another. Four fatalities in six weeks is frightening and unacceptable.

More than that, we think our policymakers should take the time to reassess what's going on in their communities when it comes to how bicycles, pedestrians and vehicle traffic mix. If four deaths in six weeks doesn't prompt a reexamination, we don't know what would.






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