
One of the conceptual options for the bridge. Image courtesy of Dan Towers

A recreational bridge project is almost complete in Greene County.

Greene County Conservation Director Dan Towers tells Raccoon Valley Radio the bridge that collapsed in 2019 on the Raccoon River Valley Trail is nearing completion. The Greene County Supervisors approved the contractor, Dixon Construction this past February and Towers notes the dry weather and low river levels were ideal for Dixon to replace the bridge piling underneath the decking.

“Two concrete piers have been poured down in the river bed, that’s done, (and) the steel beams have been set. So even if the river comes up now it’s not going to affect the repair work. Right now the contractor is working on the steel decking that the concrete slab will be poured on.”

The concrete piers replaced the wooden piers that were damaged from the ice jams of 2019, which caused the bridge to collapse and forced the closure of that structure. Towers points out the new piers are a big improvement.




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